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ICE wiring

  Fiat Panda 100hp
At the moment I have all sony components and a sony HU, but all with standard wiring, is it worth upgrading all the wires for the speakers?
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Yes it will make a huge difference but i won't bother with sony, i would look at either Rainbow or genesis for the front speakers and make sure you amp them, this will give the fronts more dynamics and charactor and depth.
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
IMO it depends on how much power/current you are pushing through the wires.

If the system is only running off the HU's amp then I doubt you would hear much difference.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Whoops read that a bit wrong.

I thought he said would it be worth amping the fronts for some reason.

I'm with the bear changing speaker won't make much or a defferece for what power you are running. You only need to upgrade your cables when you amp your fronts. I'm running 200rms to my mids and i use 12awg.
  Fiat Panda 100hp
the HU is 50rms. Do you think that I should change the front speakers and amp the front and the rear 6x9s aswell?
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
The H/U will put no where near that out something more like 17rms if your lucky.

If i were you i would get rid of the rears and 6x9s and just put the money towards some good fronts with alot of power. And put some sound deadening in the front doors
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
No thats what alot of people say, but if you get good fronts and give them alot of power there will be plenty of sound trust me ;)
  Fiat Panda 100hp
ok, will I need a sub with these? and could you snd me the link to this so I know where to look. Thanks
  Fiat Panda 100hp
proberly around £250, but if its good then I will go over, I love music so its important to me.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
SQ = Sound quality
SQL = Sound quality but with alot volume

Do you want me to try and get a list of equipment for you? You will struggle to get SQL with £250 though, unless you go second hand
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
This is real good budget amp can't be beaten price wise

Amp =

Sub =

Fronts (Might be worth making some door pods so you can fit 6.5s in there like mine) =


If you bridge the 3 & 4 for the sub and run the fronts of 1 & 2 normally this should sound nice for a budget system.

Don't forget you need a wiring kit and a enclosure, i would say make your own enclosure as Prefab boxes are normally pants and over priced

If you can afford it as well sound deadening will improve mid-bass
  Fiat Panda 100hp
so those fronts that you have suggested wont fit in my mk1 doors unless I do something like you?
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
No they won't fit without specially built speaker pods or MDF spacer rings.

You don't actually NEED to buy 6.5" door speakers like XXXChromeClioXXX. He has done it so he gets more midbass from his front door speakers.

A decent set of 5.25" components will be fine as long as you amp them up and buy a sub to give you the low bass that the components won't be able to punch out.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
6.5s sound alot better than 5.1/4 IMO the mid-bass is alot better. But if your not willing to make any pods its up to you but its worth it. If you buy 5.1/4 jobbies you will have to cross your sub over alot higher than if you had bigger fronts because the bigger fronts can play lower, you would have to cross-over them over at about 80hz-100hz instead of 60hz, thats where i like mine anyway
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
EvilJohn said:
btw your hu wont be 50w rms, closer to 25w rms I would bet, just so you know ;)

Thats what i told him earlier in thread

XXXChromeClioXXX said:
The H/U will put no where near that out something more like 17rms if your lucky.

If i were you i would get rid of the rears and 6x9s and just put the money towards some good fronts with alot of power. And put some sound deadening in the front doors
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
XXXChromeClioXXX said:
6.5s sound alot better than 5.1/4 IMO the mid-bass is alot better. But if your not willing to make any pods its up to you but its worth it. If you buy 5.1/4 jobbies you will have to cross your sub over alot higher than if you had bigger fronts because the bigger fronts can play lower, you would have to cross-over them over at about 80hz-100hz instead of 60hz, thats where i like mine anyway
That's your preference though. No need to take the mids all the way down to 60Hz, that's what the sub is for!

I have the bass level on my 5.25"'s set at 80Hz through the HU and it's plenty low enough IMO.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Have you heard mids play real low? ive had my mids playing 40hz and it sounds uber cool.

I prefer my mids to play low, and my subs to play even lower
  Fiat Panda 100hp
lol u guys are so ahead of me in the car audio department.

ChomeClio are you going to any meets, i wud love to hear what ur system sounds like. How much money u spent on it?
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
ive spent bloody 700 on 2 batterys. Its addictive what can i say :)

This is the battery behind the passenger seat

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  big fat japanese bus
XXXChromeClioXXX said:
ive spent bloody 700 on 2 batterys. Its addictive what can i say :)

This is the battery behind the passenger seat


well hello its nice to see a familar car on CS.

Must say your pods do look better than mine !
ChromeClio, can I hijack this thread and ask a question about a BD2?

(too late, I just have ;) lol)

Running it at 4ohm, could I get away with not running 0awg from the battery? I'm guessing that at 1ohm you'd need 0wg...
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
I use to have one of them running my XXX. Not bad amps ;)

IIRC it produces 1200rms at 4ohm right? You might be pushing it a bit with 4awg which i pressume you are running???

The limit of 4awg is about 1000rms on the length of a car TBH fella
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XXXChromeClioXXX said:
I use to have one of them running my XXX. Not bad amps ;)

IIRC it produces 1200rms at 4ohm right? You might be pushing it a bit with 4awg which i pressume you are running???

The limit of 4awg is about 1000rms on the length of a car TBH fella
I'm not running anything to it at the moment - it's sitting in the bedroom... LoL

I don't normally run stuff at top whack though so I might stick with 4awg - I don't think it's possible to get 0awg through the bulkhead of a mk1 without problems... :S

Also, I don't think, even with 4awg, that it's possible to get an earth back to the battery. Is it ok to stick with just an earth in the boot?
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
Yes that fine to earth in the boot it will probally be better than the battery earth if you make it a good conection.

I used a seat bolt, sanded and filed away all the paint work to make sure i got a good conection.

IMO i would run 0awg with a BD2. You will get voltage drop with 4awg and that might make the amp clip.

Run 0awg to be safe, after all what the point in having a powerfull amp is your goona starve it of power ;)

Drill a hole in the bulk head and and stick a grommet in there it will be fine
