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ICE wiring

  Polo + Micra
volt drop is worked out as v/A/m

so if you want to wack the gain down a bit it should be fine

it will only clip if the gain is set @ a voltage the car produces then it falls below that
Yes that fine to earth in the boot it will probally be better than the battery earth if you make it a good conection.

I used a seat bolt, sanded and filed away all the paint work to make sure i got a good conection.

IMO i would run 0awg with a BD2. You will get voltage drop with 4awg and that might make the amp clip.

Run 0awg to be safe, after all what the point in having a powerfull amp is your goona starve it of power ;)

Drill a hole in the bulk head and and stick a grommet in there it will be fine
brave man... lol

I will see what I can squeeze through the hole! ;)


  big fat japanese bus
XXXChromeClioXXX said:
Are you the same Muz on TA? Did you make your pods your self? There not that hard that was my first attempt

yup yup

my system as it stands



p.s. 3k is nothing! mine is about that and its only a "moderate" system with only 1300 w RMS

although the pods look far better in the flesh :)
  RenaultSport Clio 172 Mk2
Ah that's you is it Matt with the insane box in the boot. I'm NickH on there with the ClioSport avatar and have posted on a couple of your threads.
  RenaultSport clio 172 mk2
The Bear said:
Ah that's you is it Matt with the insane box in the boot. I'm NickH on there with the ClioSport avatar and have posted on a couple of your threads.
Hi there yeah ive seen you about a bit. From what i can remember you have tidy install, am i right?
nah, never seem to find the time tbh! lol

Plus limited income = limited opportunity to get toys, so half the time it doesn't seem worth logging on :(
