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Iceberg silver front wings - Is it just me

Is it just me or do some peoples front wings on there Iceberg Silver Clios look a different shade to the rest of there cars ? :S

Please excuse me for pinching these pics folks. ;)





Or is it just the way the light hits the car ?
Yep, plastic front wings. I freaked out a couple of weeks after getting mine - saw it under a streetlight and they looked a bit mismatched. There all like that though.
  Iceburg 172FF
Yep mines like that, you cant really notice unless you're looking for it so it doesnt really bother me


  Flaming Inferno 225
There all like that, it what you get from making front wings out of old pop bottles ;)
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf
The wings are plastic and as far as i know they are sprayed at another factory before going on the car
  Clio 172 ff
Front and rear bumper are likely to be a slightly different shade as well then? They're also plastic and I know that my front bumper sure looks different... Could be that it's been replaced, though, as the gaps on my hood are not really the same on each side, either (in fact, they're terrible).
Front and rear bumper are likely to be a slightly different shade as well then? They're also plastic and I know that my front bumper sure looks different... Could be that it's been replaced, though, as the gaps on my hood are not really the same on each side, either (in fact, they're terrible).

Aint that a french thing?

Ste 185

mine r aswell. Is it not down to them being made from black plastic.
Its the same on the Titanium 182s as well.
First night i noticed it i spend ages checking all the body work alignment, under carriage etc to see if there was any trace of a respray post accident...
then came on here and noticed they are all the same.

You dont really notice it unless paying particular attention.
Though, it is kinda annoying when washing the car.....
Also occurs on Arctic Blue models, but much much less noticeable.

All depends on the light, especially under streetlights.

Sometimes more obvious:



Other times not so:
(but you can still see it if know its there! :dead:


  RARE Unmolested Corsa sxi
i reckon its beacause the plastic is black before being painted. Thus, making them look darker. Plastic is plastic imo.


ClioSport Club Member
the guy in the bodyshop explained it to me when my car was in for work, after a bit of reserch on the internet it appears this is the answer....

Different types of light affect colors differently. The same color may look different depending on the type of light source. The fact that color will look different becomes a real concern when mixing and/or matching colors. If a particular color was chosen under fluorescent light but will be applied in direct sunlight, the color (if not properly tested) will look different. Paint suppliers, specifiers, and applicators should be aware of a phenomenon called "metamerism."
Metamerism is when two colors appear to match under one light source, but do not under another. This is caused, in part, from the use of different colorants (pigments, dyes, etc.) to arrive at the same color, and their differing reactions to differing illuminant wavelengths. These two colors are called a metameric match, whereas if they appear to match under all light conditions, they would be called a non-metameric match.


  former 1.2 16v, now corsa
^^^^^^^^^^^ my boss told me this a few weeks back, i work as a printer but its the same idea really, so many colours/charts its unreal, we also have a light box in work which has settings like natural daylight, flourescent and uv light etc, to compare colour matches. also got told that the people who print stuff for marks & spencer have to compare it to the lights they use instore to make a good match ;)
  Never above 25mpg
Yeah same with my Nautical Blue clio, it's a different colour completely but not too worried about it!
  ibiza cupra
alot of it is to do with the flip tones in the metallic paint. that why when you have any repairs done to your body work they blend into the next panel
  clio 172 mk2, BMW X3
Thank f*ck for that i was looking at the car last night and i thought i was going mad and now i have found some friends who have the same problem, question: will i get the same problem if i get the car sprayed in silver again.:S


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
sprayed plastic will have a different darkness than sprayed metal
