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ClioSport Club Member
Quick question on iCloud.

When I look at me account it says I have 5gb of free data. Now I've had my iPhone for a few months now and I've noticed it's been backing up to the cloud and I'm now down to about 4gb of data. So I have just got an iPad now too which will also require a backup meaning I'm using up that data twice as often. I don't want to pay for anymore data so how do I go about freeing up some of that 5gb? Obviously I'm not going to need a backup from about 3 months ago so that can be deleted? Or am I looking at it the wrong way?


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks Simon, on my cloud I have 800mb of backup to my 4s, following that instruction means I'd delete that altogether meaning I'd have to make a new recent backup for my 4s once I've done that?
  Bus w**ker
Yep, personally I still backup to iTunes on my PC as I'd rather have the backup stored locally.
  Mondial 172Cup (A/C)
You can't.

It will start charging you automatically when you need more space.

This is incorrect, it will simply tell you there isn't enough space. 5gb is plenty for the average person using iPhone and iPad.

I'm hardly using anything really...


ClioSport Club Member
Ok new question. Is there a way I can use iCloud to get the photos I take on my iPad or my iPhone to be put on my pc automatically?

I currently have something going on on my laptop but I never use that and don't plan to but the of is always on and it has all my music on it (it's what I use to sync the iStuff) but its on xp so it doesn't work properly
  Mondial 172Cup (A/C)
Technically, no.

Photo stream would be the way to do this, however it is not available for PC users running Windows XP. You'll need to upgrade to Vista or 7 before you can take advantage of Photostream... Plus then you will have to download the iCloud control panel as well.
  Ph2 172
From memory, i don't think the it's possible to install the iCloud control panel onto Windows XP (in theory). However, it is possible to install it!! You just need to modify a line in one of the files. I can't remember what it is that you have to modify, but I did find it on google. However, even after I got it installed, I didn't manage to get photostream to work!!


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I done that matt, didn't work for photo stream. I may upgrade the pc to 7 at some point but ATM I'm using drop box which seems to do what I want to an extent atm
A bit of a bump but I'm stumpped.

I own a iPhone and an iPad. My iPad backup is around 450mb. Yet my iPhone is 6.3GB. I've turned literatly everything off on my iPhone from backing, deleted my iPhone backup. Yet it still sitting at 6.3GB.

How do I see what is taking up this space and can I delete it!?


ClioSport Club Member
No idea then lol. On windows you can get cloud controller or something like that and manage your stored data

A bit of a bump but I'm stumpped.

I own a iPhone and an iPad. My iPad backup is around 450mb. Yet my iPhone is 6.3GB. I've turned literatly everything off on my iPhone from backing, deleted my iPhone backup. Yet it still sitting at 6.3GB.

How do I see what is taking up this space and can I delete it!?
