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Impreza stripped at Donny!!

  Mreg 1.8 16v naples red
yeh, just seen this on some other forums. jesus . screw leaving my car there EVER. they need sum security gauds wandering around
i rekon they plan this sort of sh!t. one must follow the owners or somethink then while they watch em the others pull the bits out n stuff. but still thats fookin shockin :O
  Trophy #473
not supprising... did you see security? all pussys. feel for the guy. someone must have seen them in action.
  M2 Competition
If you saw someone stripping a car though, you'd think nothing of it, you'd think it was just the owner or something. You'd never assume it was that!


  Flaming Inferno 225
wont be going there again then only to the RWS were i can get inside with the car !
  M2 Competition
The search function doesnt work unless people use the same wording/ titles for their threads.

Often people type 'Have a look at this' or 'found this'. How is search gonna find that?
