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In the event of a crash...

Touch wood god forbid and all that but....

I have all my mods declared on the insurance. If I was in a crash which was a write off, would I be allowed to take all the undamaged items off?

Ie the whole interior, wheels, lighting, audio?

Especially seeing as the insurance doesn't cover them so they have no right to them whatsoever.
Probably depends on the insurance company. But in my case you could take anything modified providing you replaced them with the standard items.
  Jap Box
Probably depends on the insurance company. But in my case you could take anything modified providing you replaced them with the standard items.

Yep id have gone with the above too, unless your paying extra to have them extra items insured too in which case leave them on the car and get the cash for what each item is worth.
  Ph1 track 172
It depends on the category of the write off!!

cat A, the car has to be crushed as a complete car, ALL parts must be accounted for,

Cat B means the shell needs to be accounted for, but you're allowed to salvage parts,
Cat C is uneconomic repair, and parts are allowed to be salvaged

However as said, it also depends on the insurance company, when my mums polo was writen off for uneconomic repair, we could take off what we wanted, as long as it was still a rolling shell at the end!
(though the did say we could have the wheels if we had another set to put on)
CAT A though, even if the parts were in working order. I mean it's pretty obvious if the seats are f**ked.

Would they pay out for not letting me salvage them?
Again depends on the company, some will allow mods, others will insure for their replacement. Would have to check with them.
