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In The Market For A New Laptop


ClioSport Club Member
That budget is close to M1 Mac territory, that’s where my money would be going but I am invested in the Apple ecosystem so I’m going to be biased.


ClioSport Club Member
Do you especially want a tiny all-in-one type machine? These seem to be the ones that don't usually have a particularly long life. The Dell XPS is a really nice little machine.

Otherwise spec on the one you have found looks good, more than good enough for some casual video editing etc.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Do you especially want a tiny all-in-one type machine? These seem to be the ones that don't usually have a particularly long life. The Dell XPS is a really nice little machine.

Otherwise spec on the one you have found looks good, more than good enough for some casual video editing etc.
no, dont need an all in one thing.

my current old dell laptop is 17", love the big screen but is to big to carry round. my work laptop is a cheap 13" dell, love how small and light it is.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
it appears if you want a good resolution screen you need to get an all in one thing

they are selling high spec gaming laptops for £900 with a shitty 1920 x 1080 screens, i aint paying that sort of money and getting a poor quality screen.

normal laptops the same price and spec as the all in ones have 1920 x 1080 screens, where as the all in one is 3840 x 2160


ClioSport Club Member
I think a lot just depends on where you a buying from:

There a quite a few registered Dell resellers about who are willing to do decent deals.

PS - I don't know, and have not used the linked company, was just a 2moment google but they do claim to be a Dell partner.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
I think a lot just depends on where you a buying from:

There a quite a few registered Dell resellers about who are willing to do decent deals.

PS - I don't know, and have not used the linked company, was just a 2moment google but they do claim to be a Dell partner.
that looks perfect, but how do you know if they are pukka or not??

i do note its euroPC refurbished, which isnt idea.


ClioSport Club Member
The 2in1 you linked is also refurbished.

I have no clue about the company tbh, not suggesting that you buy from them. They were just one of the top hits when I googled XPS 4k.

Perhaps the company is worth some investigation. At work we buy lots of our dells through a dell reseller rather than direct from Dell, the computers they sell seem to be mostly dell overstock, returns or cancelled orders so get called refurbished even though they are new - they also come with a dell warranty.

I would be fine buying from a dell reseller if the original Dell warranty was included.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
The 2in1 you linked is also refurbished.

I have no clue about the company tbh, perhaps worth some investigation. At work we buy lots of our dells through a dell reseller rather than direct from Dell, the computers they sell seem to be mostly dell overstock, returns or cancelled orders so get called refurbished even though they are new - they also come with a dell warranty.

I would be fine buying from a dell reseller if the original Dell warranty was included.
the 2in1 is refurbished but its dell refurbished.

ill do some googling, many thanks


ClioSport Club Member
If you're editing video and stuff do you not want something with a discrete graphics card to give abit more ommph than an on-board jobbie can manage?
or maybe an AMD Fusion/APU based laptop or whatever they're calling it now.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
If you're editing video and stuff do you not want something with a discrete graphics card to give abit more ommph than an on-board jobbie can manage?
or maybe an AMD Fusion/APU based laptop or whatever they're calling it now.
no idea, all suggestions welcome.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
4k doesn't count much on laptop screens. Get a MacBook air m1 and enjoy life. You know I'm not an apple guy but they are tremendous and good value.

Otherwise maybe a surface pro 7 or similar. Great power in a small chassis. Especially when the keyboard is removed and you can just use the pen. I've had one for 2 years now and it's been brilliant. Tasked constantly for 8 hours a day.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
Drone just shoots standard pics and vids, but I'm not an apple user end of.

So will be going Windows route.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
am after a laptop for photo and video editing for the drone stuff i do, so not making hour long videos. more like 30 second long clips etc...

always had good experiences with dell and had a recent bad one with HP.

after comparing a few dells, this looks good for the money

That actually is a lot of spec around that price. Especially ram wise. Not much more you'll get for that and dell are reliable in my experience.

Cheapest surface is double that!


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
We bought these for use at work, really decent laptop. Only downside is the lack of an ethernet port as I work in IT it gets used a lot. Nothing a usb-c hub doesn’t fix mind.
It's just for at home so that shouldn't be an issue.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
So my new £800 laptop just arrived, on first power up the blue screen of death and went into a scan and fix mode thing. Second start up I managed to get through the set up process before it blue screened again. Now it freezes after 1 min of being logged on and the only way to turn it off is to hold the power button down.

Looks like it's going back to dell 🤦


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
finally have a new working laptop, even though DHL delivered it to the wrong address.

screen is amazing, makes my drone photos look ace.
