Static flow is the amount flowed by the injector at 100% duty.
The stupid rating of g/s (grams/sec) you have to convert into cc/min.
The measurement is taken at 3 bar from those data sheets.
So find out the g/min, then convert to volmume from mass by multiplying it by the specific gravity of the liquid.
Simplified thats 2.1x60 = 126 x 1.46 =183cc/min
To find rough bhp rating for the engine, divide the cc/min by 5 (for a rough bsfc of 0.5) then multiply by the number of injectors/cylinders you have.
So thats 147bhp at 100% duty.....more accurately, at 80% duty you can safly run 117bhp. you can run more than that and probably hit 140bhp, but itll be maxing the injectors, so youll want to pickup some off a 172.