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Insurance c**k up! poss ban??


ClioSport Club Member
long story but please listen!

on 5th jan 2007 i got pulled over and asked to produce my docs. obviously i didt have them all on me. so i got a producer. i went to the police station the next day and showed them and they were happy. NOW

last week i recieved a court summons for failer to produce docs as requested. i went down the police station and said i had done it. the very next day. they said i still have to go to court. the problem is. the police said i have to take the insurance docs from the date i got pulled. i renewed my inurance with a diffrent company a couple of weeks later and my old insurance company is now saying they cant send out a cover note that has expired. so i go to court on the 20th.. what will happen?

  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Re: Insurance c**k up! poss ban??

Where's your old certificate? Failing that - just get them to produce a letter or document saying you were insured on the date you were pulled, no certificate needed.
  172 Cup
Re: Insurance c**k up! poss ban??

If you took your documents to the cop shop what happened to the slip of paper (form) they gave you as proof?


ClioSport Club Member
Re: Insurance c**k up! poss ban??

surrey police dont give you anything as a reciept! i get pulled al the time. the insurance people said they cant help me atall on this matter as im no longer a customer of threres!!
  Clio 182 Trophy 047/500
Re: Insurance c**k up! poss ban??

This has happend to me once before, my insurance ran out and I renewed with another company, all I did was take both the new insurance cirtificate and if you still have the old one, if not as said above a letter from the insurance company stating that your car was insured on the date of the offense.

You can show both as eviedece and if the Judge has a brain between his ball sack then you should be let off no probs.

I found it very useful to speak to Citizens Advise as they gave me all of the info I needed.


ClioSport Club Member
This has happend to me once before, my insurance ran out and I renewed with another company, all I did was take both the new insurance cirtificate and if you still have the old one, if not as said above a letter from the insurance company stating that your car was insured on the date of the offense.

You can show both as eviedece and if the Judge has a brain between his ball sack then you should be let off no probs.

I found it very useful to speak to Citizens Advise as they gave me all of the info I needed.

i have my new one obviously but not the old one


  Clio 172 (Silver)
If you took your documents to the cop shop what happened to the slip of paper (form) they gave you as proof?

agreed, they always return the producer stamped as a reciept that you were there.

Also speak to CS with old insurer and as part of the road traffic act they have to issue you with a letter of proof if you were insured at that time as it will be on the central database (which the police could and should have already checked).



ClioSport Club Member
If you took your documents to the cop shop what happened to the slip of paper (form) they gave you as proof?

agreed, they always return the producer stamped as a reciept that you were there.

Also speak to CS with old insurer and as part of the road traffic act they have to issue you with a letter of proof if you were insured at that time as it will be on the central database (which the police could and should have already checked).


the police did and it didt come up. aparently only 86% of insurance people are on the data base. and im in the 14%
  Ford Mustang 5.0
If the insurer are unable to re-prrint a certificate confirmimg you were covered you should ask them for a "letter of indemnity" to very that cover was in force with them at the time you were stopped.

If they will not provide you either a re-print cert if "L.O.I" I would recommend you contact the Financial Ombudsman Service who are the governing body of insurance industry, I think you have a good case to complain if your prior insurer cannot provide you proof that you had cover with them for the period you were stopped.

Hope you get it sorted. Do you know the name of the insurer you are through (not the broker) if its one we deal with here I would be happy to contact them on your behalf and see if I can get it sorted for you.

Best Regards
  cock mobile.
If you took your documents to the cop shop what happened to the slip of paper (form) they gave you as proof?

agreed, they always return the producer stamped as a reciept that you were there.

I've had two producers and both times never got a reciept, each time I enquired saying well where's my evidence to say I've been here and done it correctly I got a very shirty look and was told that was it, bye.
