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Insurance - driving other cars... trade policy covered car.


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
I'm old, and therefore can drive other cars covered on my own policy third party...

Up until about a month ago, I was on the OH's policy named so had no issues either way.

Now, she's put it under her Dad's traders policy.

My question...:

Can I legally drive this car now ? My insurance says:

The Policyholder may, under the terms of Section 1 of the Policy, Liability to Others, also drive a private motor car not belonging to him/her, not registered to him/her and not hired to him/her under a hire purchase or leasing agreement in respect of which no Insurance is afforded to him/her under any other Insurance applying to such a car. Cover is for third party only and in any case there will be no cover unless a current and valid policy of insurance is in force for the private motor car being driven under this section of the policy.

Is the car still classed as private even though it's on a traders policy ?!

I'd call Greenlight but it's Saturday night.............

Thoughts appreciated.

Ta muchly !


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
If you tried to drive one of my cars on your third party insurance you wouldn't be legal as my cars aren't insures per se, they're insured as a collective.

I can't really explain it.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
The car is still privately owned by me... i.e My name is on the log book V5.
  ITB'd MK1
my understanding is that if it's added long term (ie added to MID) then you'd be covered. I'm only covered for SDP use on my own vehicles reg'd in my name. my car is a private vehicle in my name.


ClioSport Club Member
  A Yellow One
policy wording states
Vehicles owned and privately registered to partners and directors will not automatically be insured, though cover may be available on request
and is declared as such.


ClioSport Moderator
As far as I know Rob, the answer is no.

Normally they make it clear that you have to have the permission of the owner of the vehicle, and this person must have their own insurance on it.
