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Insurance ! Help !

  fiesta 1.25
I recenetly got a quote from barcleys as a named driver on my mums it was £950. now barcleys policy has changed so that they dont insurance any named drivers under the age of 25 but my qoute said it lasted until jan.I rang them up n some thick women talked s**t to me so i got so frustrated and just put the phone down.Anyway does anybody know where i can get f/c insurance from for under £2k.It will be in my mums name age 51 driving over 10 years 7 years no claims no convictions etc me as a named driver not the main driver age 18 driving 1 year experience kept on drive, 8000 miles a year.please somebody help this will be very much appriecited as i have to get a ph-quick there is no other car for me:dapprove:
  Recaro + Cupped 182
tesco and Direct Line have been best for me from my expirience, Also Bell Insurance are cheap and liverpool Victoria used to be a winner for young drivers
