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Insurance renewal

  Clio200 EDC Lux
Just got my renewal through from Direct Line

They want £417 for the next year fully comp, would have though it would be cheaper than that or is it about right?

Full fat 172 (2003)
No Mods
No points had license since 1997
8 years no claims
Very low crime area
Parked on street
26 years old.
Say it's parked in a locked garage and try and get it cheaper. You think they will check? I don't think so...
  Toyota MR2 Turbo Rev2
but if someone breaks into it overnight and its not in the garage, dont expect them to pay put a single penny!!!

It's ur choice!!


ClioSport Club Member
  FF Jeden Osiem Dwa
Storm_Force said:
Just got my renewal through from Direct Line

They want £417 for the next year fully comp, would have though it would be cheaper than that or is it about right?

Full fat 172 (2003)
No Mods
No points had license since 1997
8 years no claims
Very low crime area
Parked on street
26 years old.

I'd say that was pretty good price . I'm older than you , 8 years no claims , no points , garaged when i can be bothered , not a particulary high crime area and i paid £470 with Adrian Flux .Their renewal quote was £570 but after i rang round and got a better price they dropped it by £100 and they ddidn't even want proof . Ring round lots , a little time and pateince can save ya lots . Norwich union ( ) was a pretty close second to Adrian Flux .

MrBillyUK !
