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Insurance time :o(



Im up for renewal next month so just called Tesco to let them know I have another 3 points. Thats 6.

I also ran a load of other quotes and so far Im getting around a grand from everyone!! Even with a £500 XS. The best so far was Direct Line at £860 with maximum XS.

Im starting to think its not actually worth owning a quick car any more if every year I get ass raped. Its been the same thing every year for the last 11 years and its getting worse not better. The extra 3 points equated to a further £100 this year, but even without them my renewal had gone up!!!

Im 28, 9 years NCB protected, 16k miles, 6 points :( garaged, car valued at £10k, WS11 postcode. I think they just hate me, simple as that.

Not at all happy. :(

Thats not that bad realy. Ive got a car where acceleration just doesnt happen and Im paying £750 at 22 with a £6k car 1 claim in a nice area.

Thats with no mods as well isnt it?

What about privalage? They seem to be good if yourve got yrs of NCB.

It is gutting to think how much money per day you spend on insurance though.



First Alternative, Esures sister company have now stormed into the lead with £759.12 fully comp, protected NCB, £200 XS, £150 voluntary, courtesy car, legal cover etc.
  172, Tiguan

They wont cover me!!! (Esure) Stupid! and i have 7 yrs NCB! Tesco want £598 though!!!

[Edited by jon_r on 08 February 2005 at 12:34pm]



Quote: Originally posted by badinvincible on 08 February 2005

Dont trust them. Underwritten by Highway and they have a bad rep.

Esure wont cover me either Jon.


ClioSport Club Member

Jesus, I thought insurance was supposed to go down when you were old (compared to me).

1K for a 182, I was only quoted £500 more than that for a group 16 car, on the street, 2 Years No claims and parked on the street.

Seems really expensive.

Tried HIC? They were very good for some of the people with very modded cars, so in theory should be really good for the un-modded ones?
  106 GTi

Phoned loads of companies the other week to get cover ready for the 182s arrival. Bell Direct are by far the cheapest. £441 Fully comp, 26, clean licence, 8 yrs NCB.

Chis Knott and Performance Direct where next best.
