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Insurance -which location?

  Fiesta ST
My friend has just got a car and is currently at uni. He travels home every other weekend and reckons he's technically at home more days in the year than at uni but he asked me if I knew which address he should register the car at for insurance purposes. Does anyone know which address to use? The uni address is in a higher insurance area than at home so obviously insuring it for his home address is better but I wasn't sure if the insurance company would start asking questions if he had to make a claim say, if his car got badly damaged while parked outside his uni address.

I said I'd ask on here as there always seems to be someone that knows ;)
  106 GTi
Only way to do it is to be honest, I guess the address he has the car registered with the DVLA at will be his home address? ... but if he is at uni all week, he needs to tell his insurer that.
  Fiesta ST
Yeah, the car is registered at his home address. What if he buys the insurance online? (which is what he is going to do) You think he should ring up anyway?
  BMW Z4 3.0i
The place where the vehicle is kept most overnight. Although if it's almost 50/50 which is the case for me, I'd just go with the cheaper one.
