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insuring a car that isnt yours but with you as the main driver ??

can it be done ? everywhere i try get quotes state that for a quote you need to own and be the registered keeper of the car

trouble is the gf will be buying the car on a staff rate hp thing so id imagine she will have to go down as registered keeper and owner to get the finance

but i will be the main driver of the car

from looking around its cheaper for me to insure it under my name and have her as named driver than it is for her to insure it and have me as named in some cases alot cheaper
  172 Cup 2003
i got told 2yrs ago you have to be the legal owner (V5c name) to be main driver but could of changed now...couldn't you just become a named driver? no insurance company will follow you both 24/7 lol
phew its sorted aparantly i can be put on the finance aggreement too and if my names first i can be registered keeper and owner :)

thats saved me over £300
