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Intermittent electric problem on my 2003 clio dci 80

  Renault Clio 1.5 dci

On my clio dci, it had all the auto wipers, auto lights ect...the black box under the glove box makes a clicking noise, when I move the wires it does become known there is a problem as it clicks on n off, depending on where you move the wires. Now suddenly the engine cuts out and the stop lights come on with the management orange light on. The engine turns and turns, won't start. If I leave it for 20 mins it restarts. Strange problem. Any ideas people?

I've added a picture of the lights which come one.

Any help would be great, I'm going to get the diagnostic plugged in at the weekend.

See how that goes


ClioSport Club Member
  335d, GT4
The UCH (body control module) is the clicking you can hear near the gearbox. This could be your troubles.

If it needs replacing a genuine one is about £400 from memory.

Second hand will need coding to the key. As you have auto everything you would need the n-3 UCH.

Get it plugged in first and see which faults pop up. I have had similar.
