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Internet bods - Please help :(

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster

I'm really confused with my internet, as every so often it will disconnect/stop working.

When i unplug everything and plug it back in, it works :S

Connected to the router we have 4 laptops, an xbox and a ps3, however these are rarely all used at the same time, i don't know if this would make a difference?

Can someone help me diagnose whats wrong? I don't think its anything to do with my ISP but know nothing of the hardware side of things.


The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Its with Virgin mate. I don't want to ring them for them to say its nothing to do with them, so would just like to know where to start really!
Ive been with them ages, probably 7 years or more back when they were blueyonder etc. I used to get this alot, had to keep unplugging modem then plugging it back in and it would work for a bit, differing lengths of time inbetween before it would need doing again, etc etc.

Both times its been the modem itself, and they came out, tested the line from the house end and replaced the modem, been fine since. One other time was a problem at the exchange too, where our house was not getting a strong enough signal to the modem, but after calling them up it never went wrong again...

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
awesome thanks Jord. I will give them a ring tomorrow. Sounds exactly like whats happening to me.
Next time it does it, go to this address - - Which is usually the local address for virgin/blueyonder modems...

It should say under 'Cable Modem Status' something like 'Not Synchronized', and the recieve/or/transmit power level will be a minus figure. If it is, its 100% a problem on their end or with the modem.

You can do it now to test too, and it should just say 'Operational' under the 'Cable Modem Status'.
Cable Modem Stat

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Never seen that page before! it says this:
Cable Modem : DOCSIS 1.0/1.1/2.0 Compliant

Do i need to log in to something as i dunno my username :eek:
You must have a newer one then, nevermind lol.

Give them a ring and have a moan, they will test the line/modem etc.
