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Interview Today ASP.NET

I have an interview today and am bricking my self. The job is an consultant

I have been told there is a technical interview on I have done .net developments but have been coding in JAVA for the last 2 years so the terminology is a bit rusty.

Anyone got example questions from an technical interview they have been through?
  SLK 350
Why you preparing for an interview buddy if it's today...should of been preparing in the days leading upto it.

Anyway all the best mate, hope it runs smoothly and you land the job :)
Prepared all day yesterday as well. I just moved to London on Monday so yesterday and today are the only days I had free! The interview isn't till 5. Just want a few questions to see if my prep worked or not!

Cheers for the luck I need it LOL
Hi Guys,

Got a 2nd interview and they said they really liked me but......

Gave it to someone with financial sector experience.

Oh well :-(

Will keep trying.

North west London. Staying with the GF folks at the moment but they are really cool so it is all good :) will get a place when we get jobs!
