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  MK5 Fiesta Zetec S
Hi Everyone

Ive been on these kind of forums for a few months now, i recently passed my driving test september 9th and was driving my mums corsa c comfort, ill be completely honest with you i had my heart set on a corsa c after driving her car for about a week so went on the hunt for one.

I arrived at a garage and saw a 1.2 Clio Extreme - silver "02 Plate With 55k on the clock i think its mark 2 phase 2? (would like to know) and i completely changed My mind about getting a corsa, a few phone calls to the bank etc and hey presto got the clio for £1995.
I would also like to add this car drives and handles 10 times better than the corsa!

Anyway i gonna get a project thread on the go in the week.

Look forward too speaking to all you! :eek:
