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iPhone 12 Pro Problem, Thoughts ??


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
So im looking to sell my iPhone 12 Pro 256gb but there is a slight issue with the screen.

The screen has a black dot and it causes a small issue with the brightness is turned down along with the dot always being there and a small line (See images attached)


Now I know its the digitiser that has gone and for it to be replaced its £300+ from apple.
The phone itself is spotless with cover on it, Screen protector and also hydrogel film round it.

Am I worth getting this all fixed to sell and try and get top coin for it or just leave it as it is ?
If I was to strip the phone back with all the protection in it (Covers / screen protector) and give it a clean I would say its a 8 out of 10 phone all day long.

Its just the fact to get the screen done correctly from apple its going to be expensive and I have no idea what a iPhone 12 Pro 256gb is worth with all original box, charger & cables (All unused and still boxed)


ClioSport Club Member
Official Apple repair at that price for that age a phone is not worth it imo. Have a look around for local phone repairs, your could get it done for around half the Apple price.


ClioSport Club Member
  997.1, Caddy, e208
Id certainly be noticing that issue in a month's time, after you've taken out nationwide phone insurance


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
I have phone insurance via my bank with £100 excess so I could claim on that and have the phone replaced as I would make sure it was damaged correctly *Cough Cough*

I would then end up with a decent working iPhone 12 Pro but with only forking out £100.

Then I need to ask myself at what price would I sell it to try and re-coop some of my money back ?

Matt Cup

ClioSport Club Member
  Leon Cupra
It’s a no brainer. Go down the insurance route.

Here is apples trade in value with screen working correctly.

And without.


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
No looking to trade it in as I have already bought my new phone so looking to get it repaired and private sale.

Looks like it will be an insurance job as I have been paying for it for years so may as well use it
