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iPhone 3G stuffed

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
My iPhone has stuffed this morning, says it needs a restore and to connect it to iTunes. Connecting it to iTunes to 'restore' just tells me it can't access the phone because it has a passcode, but I can't put the f**king passcode into the phone because it needs a restore??

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
cheers, there go all my phone numbers and apps. If I hook it up to my iTunes at home will syncing it restore all my contacts as well as my music? If not is there an option to restore the phone with those? I have backed it up i think.
  SLK 350
If you synced it recently it should have backed it up (unless you cancelled it), by restoring it you'll get your data/numbers back.
