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iphone and bluetooth

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why cant i sync my iphone to my bluetooth headset? it doesnt even recognise its there! anyone had similar problems?
They probably do if you hack the firmware and install some third party software lol.

They have bluetooth, but not 'proper' bluetooth.

I'd have thought you could still use a headset though.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
My iPhone syncs with every bluetooth headset I have tried. You are switching the headset into pairing mode? The iPhone does have bluetooth.
Is there anyway short of something like a jailbreak to actually use the bluetooth for file transfers etc. One thing that I definately miss when wanting to send or receive music of video files from one device to another.
  Citroen DS3 DSport
No Apple have locked that facility from the iPhone. One of the few bad points the phone has.
Not entirely true (of course you'll just say I'm in denial lol) but I borrowed a mates for a few days and just didn't see what was so great about it. They're f**king massive, the screen gets grubby quickly. The cameras appalling (for what I need one for) and you can't MMS/Bluetooth etc.

I just can't understand the fanboys who can't accept that they're not for everyone!

Anyway. Back on topic, there's no reason why it shouldn't work with the headset. You're doing it wrong. lol.


They aren't for everyone, the battery life is appalling, and some people like a keypad.

Mine doesn't get grubby, cheap screen protectors do though.

As for the camera, and MMS, that's only useful for sending young girls pictures of your c**k. Or me of course. ;)

Anyway, once again back on topic. You probably need to reset the headset.
What's your number? lol ;)

I use MMS a fair bit. I'd happily convert to email if it was more popular but most of my friends/colleagues are pretty technophobic lol

And having a phone with a poor camera and no flash would be like having my arm cut off now (I use it quite a bit at work)


What's your number? lol ;)

I use MMS a fair bit. I'd happily convert to email if it was more popular but most of my friends/colleagues are pretty technophobic lol

And having a phone with a poor camera and no flash would be like having my arm cut off now (I use it quite a bit at work)

Both good reasons for not getting one.

I'm finding more and more people I know have one now(or a G1), so using email instead of MMS is pretty cool.
Piece of piss to attach photos taken on the phone to mail and send it that way tbh. I'm trying to get into the habit of using mail on it rather than SMS tbh, it's just as convenient.
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  Citroen DS3 DSport
I'm lucky and most of the people I would want to send photos to have a email capable phone so I do not miss MMS at all.
  182FF with cup packs
That's the problem with the iPhone. You fall in to two camps.

Denial or fanboy. If you own one you can't help being a fanboy.

So very true. I've pretty much always been an anti-Apple person as I don't see the point in paying 20% extra for something just because it's got an Apple logo on it (especially as Belkin manfufacture (or at least used to) most of their non-Mac devices) when there's stuff that works way better out there (for instance the original iPhone interface that everyone raved about was a blatent rip off of Creatives MP3 players interface').

The iPhone makes me feel all kinds of dirty, because I often find myself considering getting one as the interface impresses me in all sorts of ways.

At first I could hate it because it was only 2g, and what sort of knob makes a 2g phone in this day and age? :D Then they went and brought out the 3g and it took that excuse away.

Now I cling onto the fact that I have to go with TMobile and have no choice in the matter.

Thoguh it not fully supporting bluetooth is a good new reason for me not to get one, need it to be able to bluetooth into my car stereo so I can pull MP3's off of it.
I'm different. I really really wanted to like it as there's little else out there that really catches the eye. Just doesn't fit the bill.

Agree on points I've read about the UI. Very smooth. I didn't realise quite how clunky my N95 actually is until I borrowed an iPhone lol.
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