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Is my car broke?

  RS MEG, 182
I've got a clio 1.2 16v dynamique (75bhp), and although its no performance vehicle, it is sooo slow compared to my friends 02 reg polo S 1.2, which is only 65bhp. I drove the polo last night, and it pulls so easily through all its gears, and has plenty of torque on hills. Another mate has a 1.2 SXI corsa, again this feels and is, much quicker than mine. Is the clio really that much slower? Once i hit a medium sized hill, 3rd gear will not go past 3000 revs, I've got 16" wheels on, so would that make a huge difference?

Depends on tye not just wheel size.
Sounds liek you may have a problem you'd ned to get it to Renault find out why though maybe a good service would help.
  RS MEG, 182
i was going to work this morning, and i had to scream up a hill in second, 4/5K, to keep up with a normal accellerating (dare i say it) nissan micra :S

Its on 44k miles. I bought it in august, and all ive done is change the oil and filter. Previosu owner had service at 37k i think
  RS MEG, 182
its got 182 wheels on it, with mitcho exalto's. 205/45/16 i think. I bought my car with a janspeed exhaust too, would that take away torque?


  RS 182 - Black Gold
Thats deff not right at all

Mine and many other 1.2s ive been in/driven are very poky cars.

And getting stuck up a hill ?? Sounds like the cars deff in limp mode or somethign or other.

Deff needs some diagnostic work to find the cause!

Get it booked in to be fully checked, or serviced. Sounds like ur crawling along...
  M140i/Orange 182
get it checked out mate, my old 1.2 was a pokey little thing for what it was, drove it the other day(sister has it now) and feels so slow compared to my 182....but thats to be expected of course! :)
  FOR SALE: '97 Clio 1.4 RT
Stop watch... 0-60 (in a controled environment) and post zee results.
...if it starts counting in the minutes...u can call it a day...

  RS MEG, 182
i had a diagnostic check in december. under engine diagnostics, it found 'fault 5622 (status permanent) - downstream oxygen sensor heat CCT - short circuit to earth' Could this be a cause?
The car accellerates fairly well on straights, its just on hills, it has no torque. The polo sails up in 3rd, mine would not go past 20mph in 3rd unless i dropped to second. I think its best if i test drive another one, see if theres any differences.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
^^ thats not right at all.

Id get the problems fixed first.

If your car cant get up hills then somethign is deff up !
