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IT in 10 Years

Where do you see it going? Are we still going to be arguing about Windows 2018 vs Linux (x 50 Flavours) vs Mac OS XX Tiger?
  Facelift R53 Cooper S
interactive screens, like on a tablet.

and more hand held devices which will essentially connect you to your home PC from anywhere via the internet
  Fiesta ST
Hardware will be organic ;) and EA will bring out Fifa 2018 for Direct X 11.

Microsoft will bring out a new OS which will be s**t at first and everyone will complain but then everyone will use it.

Linux will be still be Linux but supporting a few more devices ;)


ClioSport Club Member
On the job front I think offshoring will be shipped to South America or Africa as India becomes more expensive and less coss effective.
  Clio F1 R27
From a networking and mobile perspective every form of media will be delivered in real time over IP. Downloading of films, music, games or whatever will be achievable in seconds both at home and on your mobile.

Homes will have GigE access speed.

Wireless hotspots will be in practically every public building and 5th/6th generation mobile networks will have upto FastEthernet speeds.

Your mobile will have masses of data storage. It will interface with your hifi/tv/home network over WLAN and you'll be able to stream music or sky tv straight from the mobile network into hifi/tv, or stream straight from your mobile into a friends hifi/tv or listen/watch locally on the phone.

Everything will be available everywhere at a touch of a button.


ClioSport Club Member
On the job front I think offshoring will be shipped to South America or Africa as India becomes more expensive and less coss effective.

It's going the other way actually, it's all coming back to the countries of origin as customers get fed up having to talk to foreigners.

Plus as India becomes more and more developed, their wages go up so it becomes much less cost effective :p
  Clio F1 R27
Not a chance, it's going the opposite way.

Look at Dell and Ubuntu......

Only numpties buy Dell kit ;)

Absolute rubbish. Lots of systems are moving over to a Linux based Kernel.

PS2, PS3, mobile devices all use a Linux kernel...(and doesn't MacOS aswell??)

Juniper also use a Linux kernel for all of their routing platforms, so without Linux there would be no fuckin internet!!

Anyone that knows anything about IT knows that Linux is most definately here to stay!


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Absolute rubbish. Lots of systems are moving over to a Linux based Kernel.

PS2, PS3, mobile devices all use a Linux kernel...(and doesn't MacOS aswell??)

No, No, Some and No.

PS2 & PS2 are capable of running linux, as is any processor with a MMU.

I'd imagine that the number of mobile devices running a linux variant pales in comparison to those running CE/Windows Mobile.

And mac os runs BSD, which pre-dates linux by a long time!

Anyone that knows anything about IT knows that Linux is most definately here to stay!

That is for sure.
  BMW e46 320 Ci Sport
i actually think in the future you will have interactive virtual desktop enviroments where you login to 'live' for example and see a virtual desktop without any pc whatsoever, accessible from anywhere. kind of like everyone using a screen (touch ofc) and just accessing your data from anywhere anytime and able to do everthing you'd want.
You will be able to download hardware.

10 Terrabytes per second internet.

By simply logging onto the internet you will gain about 6 trojans, internet shopping will be impossible.

iraq will have the first home comuter in 2018, with a copy of windows 98 as standard.
  Clio F1 R27
ISP's will dump Cisco kit for Juniper.
Cisco is the win at the moment,we use cisco stuff at work,Cisco Phones Ruter Switches etc,so cost effective and reliable,hell i'm tempted to get a cisco kit for home

Cisco stuff isn't cost effective and reliable in comparison with Juniper kit mate.

I've worked with Cisco kit for over 7 years and am currently supporting an IP network with over 2000 Cisco elements and also an IP/MPLS network with around 100 Juniper elements.

Here are the facts -

From a hardware perspective the Juniper kit is much more stable with less failures happening on PSU's, fan trays, supervisors and line cards...

The Juniper OS is much more intuitive and easier to work, especially when configuring complex protocols like MPLS and BGP.

Cisco TAC are also notoriously bad for their reliability in supporting customers. Regularly kit gets sent to the wrong address, gets lost or the wrong parts are sent. It's a f**kin logistical nightmare!!

If you have a few routers and switches on a Campus network then fine, but for a bigger solution i.e ISP size network, Juniper is leading the way.
Cisco is the win at the moment,we use cisco stuff at work,Cisco Phones Ruter Switches etc,so cost effective and reliable,hell i'm tempted to get a cisco kit for home

Cisco stuff isn't cost effective and reliable in comparison with Juniper kit mate.

I've worked with Cisco kit for over 7 years and am currently supporting an IP network with over 2000 Cisco elements and also an IP/MPLS network with around 100 Juniper elements.

Here are the facts -

From a hardware perspective the Juniper kit is much more stable with less failures happening on PSU's, fan trays, supervisors and line cards...

The Juniper OS is much more intuitive and easier to work, especially when configuring complex protocols like MPLS and BGP.

Cisco TAC are also notoriously bad for their reliability in supporting customers. Regularly kit gets sent to the wrong address, gets lost or the wrong parts are sent. It's a f**kin logistical nightmare!!

If you have a few routers and switches on a Campus network then fine, but for a bigger solution i.e ISP size network, Juniper is leading the way.

Hmm,that makes it sound more convincing tbh

Where we work,all our terminals are beeing re-fitted with cisco Routers and Wifi routers instead of the old Ericsson ones that we used to use. We get endless amounts of"comms failures" and 70/80% of the time its down to the router(cisco ones of course) either power failing or not holid the IP given. Tis a nightmare considering were only meant to do Software support....

Our network is the size of the uk...well it is the UK to be honest,and some of Ireland. I shall enquire abouts the test useage of some Juniper stuff


ClioSport Club Member
I personally haven't had any problems with Cisco kit but I've heard people have.

Juniper kit is overkill for the majority of business (including ours) so Cisco isn't going anywhere either :p

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Capacities of solid state disks going through the roof and in turn, prices coming down.

Superb PDA abilities on a watch-like device.

Most people having the ability to glow in the dark having been surround by wireless kit for decades. ;)

  Clio F1 R27
I personally haven't had any problems with Cisco kit but I've heard people have.

Juniper kit is overkill for the majority of business (including ours) so Cisco isn't going anywhere either :p

Why is Juniper overkill? The product line extends from small RO sized routers to midsized enterprise level routers to huge ISP sized routers than are more reliable, easier to configure and can shift many more PPS than the equivilent Cisco product.

Also, Cisco's product line is massively oversized and confusing to a buyer. This is partly due to them buying out competitor products and rebranding them for market dominance. Just like Microsoft have done with Windows.
Why is Juniper overkill? The product line extends from small RO sized routers to midsized enterprise level routers to huge ISP sized routers than are more reliable, easier to configure and can shift many more PPS than the equivilent Cisco product.

Exactly.. but, the the thing with Juniper is they've made people think they're way overkill for smaller installs. A lot of people saw Netscreens as just "Netscreens", and detached from Juniper for example.

Cisco market there stuff at SME all the way up, yet Juniper always seem to aim for the higher end..

You only have to compare Cisco routers to Juniper routers to realise who's winning that particular battle.. in terms of performance, Juniper's tend to absolutely SMASH the equivilent Cisco out of the water.

Also, Cisco's product line is massively oversized and confusing to a buyer. This is partly due to them buying out competitor products and rebranding them for market dominance. Just like Microsoft have done with Windows.

Microsoft isn't a patch on Cisco. Cisco have taken the whole license thing to a whole new level..

Even simple things like getting a service contract.. it's slightly better now with the virtual level stuff, but even then, you need a calculator most of the time to work out exactly what you need.
You will be able to download hardware.

Already here and has been for a while.
