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It needs a ruddy good clean!

  A Flamin' Red one
I'm looking to give my car a bloody good cleaning session as soon as the weather clears up a bit and am after a very simple but effecvtive way of bringing out the best in the car for minimal cost and effort. I don't believe in paying stupid money on car detailing so am looking at Autoglym stuff as Ebay and Halfords are flooded with the stuff.

Can people suggest two or three Autoglym products that I shouldn't be without. I keep reading about Super Resin Polish?

Thanks in advance chaps :)
  106 GTi
Polish with Autoglym Super Resin
Seal with Autoglym Extra Gloss Protection

Will look great for a very reasonable amount of cash.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
i would say super resin polish
fast glass
tyre shine

i would get a different wax to go over the SRP lke dodo juice imo
  106 GTi
EGP will easily last the Dodo's - I tend to top EGP with a Wax after just for looks.
  106 GTi
The sealant is so quick and easy to use, produces great results and durability no paint faffing around with EGP if you have the AJT

The Vics Concours is an excellent looking wax and nothing comes close to it for the money, much better than the Dodo Juice stuff that cost more than it.
  A Flamin' Red one
The sealant is so quick and easy to use, produces great results and durability no paint faffing around with EGP if you have the AJT

The Vics Concours is an excellent looking wax and nothing comes close to it for the money, much better than the Dodo Juice stuff that cost more than it.

With the sealant, is it simply a case of spray it on, or does it require being worked into the paint? Also, any waxing techniques? Is it really just 'wax on, wax off'?
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  106 GTi
The AJT is spray, wipe and buff without needing to let it dry.

The Vics I apply it to a couple of panels and then remove.
  A Flamin' Red one
You Sir, have been a great help. Many thanks. I don't suppose you can do anything about the weather can you!?
  A Flamin' Red one
Well, I'll get crackign and gets some pics up as soon as the sun comes out (if ever!), so watch this space...
