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Its your fault!!!!! Macbook Newbie

Basically because of you lot;) ...I have took the plunge and purchased a macbook. Its a 2.0ghz 1gb ram jobbie (not the pro) you have got me in to this, what are good software/accessories for it and the best (cheapest) place to get things from.

  106 GTi
Enjoy - once you have Mac you never go back ;)

What do you want use it for re the sotfware.

Most things are catered for in a basic form with the applications that ship with the OS.
Enjoy - once you have Mac you never go back ;)

What do you want use it for re the sotfware.

Most things are catered for in a basic form with the applications that ship with the OS.

Aahhh Rich I knew you'd rescue me:)

Basic use will be Music, Internet/Mail, Pictures, but I would like to run MS Office on it for work.

Also what about virus protection does it need any?? Can I use my existing external hard drive with it??

Sorry for dumb questions but never used one so havn't got a clue:S


ClioSport Club Member
  A blue one.
Basic use will be Music, Internet/Mail, Pictures, but I would like to run MS Office on it for work.

There's a new version of Office for mac that'll be out sometime soon.

Also what about virus protection does it need any??

None. Just keep up to date with your software updates. I'd recommend buying little snitch which lets you know when & where an app wants access to the net.

Can I use my existing external hard drive with it??

  106 GTi
Music I just stick with iTunes.

Internet I use Safari or Firefox depending on mood.

Mail I do use Entourage ( the only bit on the Office suite I really do use at home)

Pictures I use Photohop CS2 as I have to use it for work, but iphoto as shipped on the machine works well for home use.

I use the built in firewall with OSX and that is as far as I have got virus protection wise, and be carefull what you open.
dont worry, i use a mac and find it a bit :s at times !!!

Quicksilver is one you will find helpful too, and transmission if you download some stuff.
Rich / Snoop / Gabi

Thanks for the advice...I should recieve it tomorrow. So prepare for a few more posts over the weekend;)

Thanks again chaps
  Citroen DS3 DSport
Definately install Little Snitch, it's a great piece of software.

I've owned my iMac for 4 months now and would no longer consider returning to a Windows PC.
Right chaps i got my Macbook today....spent all evening to now getting my head around how it works.

What can I say I foooking love it. What a difference to windows...everything is well easy.

Loving it so far:)
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^^ always open on my Mac.. awesome!

Pages also.. very very very good IMO. I've made some awesome documents in it! Can't wait for iWork07 to get spreadsheet etc..
