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[Jul 19, 2015] The Scottish Car Show 2015 (Edinburgh)

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Right, whisky poured and time to type!

So the list is

1. Djw John
2. @benji93
3. @sburrell93
4. @Wee_Billy_92 +1
5. @Gaz85
6. @Djw Dave
7. Djw Robyn
8. @w33 brl
9. @Craig211
10. @Geo182 +1
11. @Mickb
12. claire_90
13. @jgvonza172 +1
14. @arg_carra +1
15. @kirstinmuircroft
16. KirstinMuircroft second car
17. @Fraser.J. the hunk

Meeting point

We'll meet at Xtreme Karting car park in Newbridge from 730 and leave at 750 sharp. Google maps here. This is where you will get your ticket and stand pass.

Organisers rules
  • Speed limit of 5mph on site
  • Stand pass must be on show before you get to the gate and remain all day.
  • Wristbands - put it on before we leave Xtreme and keep it on all day. If a passenger is coming along they can pay full price at the gate when your wristband is getting checked.
  • We have to go in as a convoy, if you're late you won't get in regardless of whether you've paid or not.
  • Once we're parked engines must remain off until told otherwise at 5pm. There are no exceptions to this, if you have an emergency you're expected to leave your car and make alternative arrangements.
  • No adverts for any commercial business
  • BBQs are allowed but must be raised off the grass, any burnt grass costs £40 per sqm (and you can be damn sure I'm not paying that!)
  • No alcohol for anyone at all
Sorry if it all seems strict, trust me thats a lot shorter than the 2 A4 pages I've got sat next to me right now.

Any questions please ask and I'll do my best to answer them.

Is everyone who is on the stand still going. Got a couple of people asking to get on. I'd hate to see a pass go to waste.
I have no plans for Sunday so was thinking of maybe coming along.

Can I pay on the day but still be on the stand with you guys? Or do you have limited space?


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 182, mk1 mx5
A hope the weather's not gantin, got square sausage and bacon to be cooked!!


ClioSport Club Member
  ph2 182, mk1 mx5
Bringing spare gas for the stove if anyone is thinking about bringing s**t to cook for the gang btw I've got a wee bit but not much
Remember the rusty well below average condition Civic Jordan.....just saw it smashed into the back of a Saab on the City Bypass around Hermiafon Gait.

Take it easy on the roads home peeps!
