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Just a drive

  Clio 172 Flamer
I accidentally left my interior light on and drained my battery the night before last, first time I have ever done this.

Anyway, I charged it up and then took my car out for a drive which got me thinking, when was the last time I just went out on a drive with no final destination and no time frame and I came to the conclusion that it has been about 5 years now (which was when I first passed my test)

So I going to make sure I do this a bit more often as I really enjoyed it, I use my 172 as a daily driver so sort of forgot about the fun of a good drive.

Was wondering, when was the last time you just went on a drive and what sort of roads were they?

Mine was B roads, extremely fun but a lot of potholes so had to be careful.
  Clio 172 Flamer
B roads seems to be the way forward for these little hot hatches. I am aware I am not the first one to say this btw haha

Fortunately, I am surrounded by them :D
  Clio 172/Lotus Elise
Try to make sure I go for one at least once a week.
Also take the long B road route when I am going anywhere as well.
  Renault Clio 182 BG
I used to go for random drives all the time, tbh I always used to end up at a mcdonalds!
Don't go for many nowadays, not sure why really. I take my little Cup on some good roads as part of my destination most times though


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Never, I drive my car every day and get to enjoy it's power and handling,
there's no point in driving randomly around for no reason.

Out of interest, how old are the people that go for random blasts to McDonalds?
Because I have a feeling you'll all be in your early 20's
and the novelty of having a driving licence hasn't worn off yet.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  Renault Clio 182 BG
correct, used to go mcdonalds alot when I first past. I don't believe the novelty wears off you just get bored of what or where your driving. Im still only 25, been driving around 6 years and yeah some days the last thing I want to do is drive but other times (when the road is clear) I love it.
  Clio 172 Flamer
Never, I drive my car every day and get to enjoy it's power and handling,
there's no point in driving randomly around for no reason.

Out of interest, how old are the people that go for random blasts to McDonalds?
Because I have a feeling you'll all be in your early 20's
and the novelty of having a driving licence hasn't worn off yet.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Funny, I picked my GF up from the airport the other week and it was late on a Thursday night, she wanted something to eat so we stopped at Mcdonalds and it was heaving with loads of new drivers with their 'first cars'

Average age of 18, no doubt haha

seems where everybody goes, all staring at us as we parked up
  Mazda3 2.2D 185BHP
I haven't been on a drive like that in a few years, been driving 6 years and sorta stopped when uni got more involved and work started.

Money is tight so fuel is a precious thing that cant just be wasted now days :p

When i get a new job in a few years of gaining experience and have an extra £500 a month then yea i will blast down some b roads :)
  Pug 206 SW, 172 CUP
Take the Cup for a quick blast most Friday night's to clear out the cobwebs after my wife and son have crashed. Keeps the car running well as it has limited use and doesn't encroach on family time. Usually go out to the middle of nowhere. I avoid Dual carriageways as you need 5000bhp to play there. I'm 33 and I've never hung out at McDonalds!

The Cup is really quite good on fuel and 10 quid goes further than I though it would.
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Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
I can't remember ever driving to or hanging out at McD's when I passed.

Did they have drive thru's 23 years ago?
  Clio 172 Flamer
It was surprising how many people went there.

I never did it either when I passed but then again, I lived in Southend-on-sea at the time so most drives were at the seafront :D


ClioSport Club Member
Never, I drive my car every day and get to enjoy it's power and handling,
there's no point in driving randomly around for no reason.

Out of interest, how old are the people that go for random blasts to McDonalds?
Because I have a feeling you'll all be in your early 20's
and the novelty of having a driving licence hasn't worn off yet.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

LOL, you're wrong.

I'm 43 and 3/4 and I go out once at a week minimum.


Because I enjoy driving. I enjoy trying to be a better driver. I enjoy the feeling of being connected to my car and flowing down the road as one.

Nowhere near McDs though...I'm fortunate enough to have the South Downs and the b-roads that criss-cross it at my disposal.


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
We've all seen what happens when you go out for a drive,
people end up in ditches and you drive past and leave them there. ;)

Anyone would think I actually gave a sh*t what people do with their cars and time,
it was just a simple question. lol


ClioSport Club Member
We've all seen what happens when you go out for a drive,
people end up in ditches and you drive past and leave them there. ;)

Anyone would think I actually gave a sh*t what people do with their cars and time,
it was just a simple question. lol

Technically it wasn't in a ditch it was up a bank, but yes, there's normally a trail of destruction behind me :p


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Technically it wasn't in a ditch it was up a bank, but yes, there's normally a trail of destruction behind me :p

LOL you're not the only one,
I was on a B-road one time and an emasculated Dad in his people carrier was riding my bumper
because I dared to do 60mph and not 120, when a nice 90 degree bend came up,
he was obviously waiting for me to brake which never happened as I just threw it in,
I went nicely round the corner planted to the road,
he understeered across the road nearly ended up wrapped round a tree
and brought all the oncoming traffic to a grinding halt.
  Clio 172 Flamer
LOL you're not the only one,
I was on a B-road one time and an emasculated Dad in his people carrier was riding my bumper
because I dared to do 60mph and not 120, when a nice 90 degree bend came up,
he was obviously waiting for me to brake which never happened as I just threw it in,
I went nicely round the corner planted to the road,
he understeered across the road nearly ended up wrapped round a tree
and brought all the oncoming traffic to a grinding halt.

All ok in the end though right?


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Oh yeah I wouldn't have done if there were cars coming in the opposite direction
as I knew what was going to happen when we got to the corner,
no need to inflict his idiocy on innocent motorists.

He just locked up and understeered across the road and ended up about a foot away from a tree,
all the cars that backed up because of his inability to drive got there after he'd f*cked up,
I just hope it sh*t him up enough to not drive like such a prick in the future.
  Clio 172 Flamer
Oh yeah I wouldn't have done if there were cars coming in the opposite direction
as I knew what was going to happen when we got to the corner,
no need to inflict his idiocy on innocent motorists.

He just locked up and understeered across the road and ended up about a foot away from a tree,
all the cars that backed up because of his inability to drive got there after he'd f*cked up,
I just hope it sh*t him up enough to not drive like such a prick in the future.

Fair play
I thought when you lock the car the interior light turns off regardless lol? Well mine does? :S

I live one road away from Dartmoor so plenty of nice roads to take the Cup on, strangely went on an extended route myself today, sharp chicane sections, tight open sighted bends and bridges.. Good fun!


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
I thought when you lock the car the interior light turns off regardless lol? Well mine does? :S

I live one road away from Dartmoor so plenty of nice roads to take the Cup on, strangely went on an extended route myself today, sharp chicane sections, tight open sighted bends and bridges.. Good fun!

Not if you leave it on manual.

And see above pic ;)
  Clio mk2 phase 1
Am 18 and me and my mate go for pointless drives a lot, I think it's because I've only been driving 2 weeks and done 800 miles lol just loving it at the moment but I know it will die down.
  Clio 172 Flamer
I've left mine on though and it's gone off I swear of it? I will double check this I think!

Good pic!

Either way, I went to the garage in the morning and the interior light was on, knew straight away it was going to be dead and hey presto... battery was dead. All charged and sorted now haha it was more a case of rediscovering a leisure drive
  Pug 206 SW, 172 CUP
Lack of disposable income and time killed driving for the sake of it after my first year of driving. Glad I can this year find a little bit for a weekly short blast and a good few track days. I can't help but envy people that live properly out in the sticks. I'm losing all the national speed limits to 40's by me because people keep crashing and giving the safety police the ammo they need to grind everyone to a snail's pace. I can't even use 5th at 40 in my HDI 206. It's just a little too tall. Very annoying.
  172 cup/Escort RST
To be honest, the 172 cup is my daily driver - although I sometimes take the long way to work but it's the RS Turbo that gets taken for a drive for no reason other than driving. You just can't beat the kick of a turbo for a thrill.........
Around 3 nights a week me and a few mates tend to go for a random drive. Usually me in my Clio, my friend in his MK5 R32 and a mate in a E46 M3. Keep up with them everywhere! Good little roads around Kent and all national speed limit
  Clio 172 Flamer
warwickstingray Living in the sticks is good most of the time driving wise but I went to pick up some wheels last night and after a 4 hour trip, when you know you have got 20 minutes of long bendy b roads to contend with @ 2 in the morning, it is quite tiresome.


ClioSport Club Member
@warwickstingray Living in the sticks is good most of the time driving wise but I went to pick up some wheels last night and after a 4 hour trip, when you know you have got 20 minutes of long bendy b roads to contend with @ 2 in the morning, it is quite tiresome.

Or when, like I did on the way in this morning, you get stuck behind some doddery old c**k who brakes every 20m even when only doing half the posted speed limit.

Then, when you finally get past you find a tractor ahead but only once you're beyond the point of any viable overtaking opportunity.

  Pug 206 SW, 172 CUP
Used to do night driving in a 3.5T LWB Sprinter down mostly B roads. I never got tired of B roads. I never had to fight to keep my eyes open like I did on the motorway. But yeah when you just want to get home a 60 or 70mph average speed is all you want!
  Clio 172 Flamer
Or when, like I did on the way in this morning, you get stuck behind some doddery old c**k who brakes every 20m even when only doing half the posted speed limit.

Then, when you finally get past you find a tractor ahead but only once you're beyond the point of any viable overtaking opportunity.


Nothing more frustrating that a big ol' tractor!
  Clio 172 Flamer
Used to do night driving in a 3.5T LWB Sprinter down mostly B roads. I never got tired of B roads. I never had to fight to keep my eyes open like I did on the motorway. But yeah when you just want to get home a 60 or 70mph average speed is all you want!

Enjoyable as you say, can't say I am bored of them.
