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Just had a thought!!

  BMW M3
Was thinking earlier about how great the RSs are (172,182,v6, meg etc..), but what a shame it is that they are let down by such crap*y dealers!!!
My idea is that renault should save millions of pounds on R&D and just monitor this site. If they did, they would find out what the puplic really want, what repeated problems need solving and how they can improve on future models.

Ok, so they need to do reseach and development for the average Joe motorist, but when researching the RS market, they should come on here and see what the owners really have to say.... and please. PLEASE!!! open up 'Trained' RS specialist dealers!!!

Anyone with me?
You're right of course! I wonder if maybe they do already.... ? Anyone care to own up as being a Renault spy ;)

This certainly happens in the computer industry - developers for the big companies spend some of their time monitoring discussion forums like this to find out what people want and what some of the problems are. I guess that is a bit different though as it's all IT there.
  BMW M3
Just had a look on worldwide and national renault websites and i cant see any forums which is a complete waste of time if RS owners cant even comment.
  BMW M3
^^^^ i obviously didnt look hard I wonder if renault monitor that site. Anyone go on it? Any good?
"open up 'Trained' RS specialist dealers!!!" good speech - I agree !!
Good cars let down by dealers.
  Ford Fiesta
even if they had just a few dotted around the UK im sure most of us would be prepared to travel for decent servicing.
I already do travel to Skipton renault best ive found by far.
