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Just had my first track day at oulton!


ClioSport Club Member
if this is in the wrong section please feel free to move.

bought my Clio 172 ph2 3 years ago for £400, cam belt had snapped. never even done an oil change before never mind putting an engine in a car! 3 years later, with a years break to work on my house, I've done my first ever track day at Oultan with open track days in the Clio I've "built" i'll say loosely :)

£1650 into this build so far having done everything myself including fighting the french electrical gremlins that were lurking I've probably spent more then it would have cost to buy a working 172 but I've learnt so much.

the track day was awesome. i was the only one in the safety briefing who was on their first track day! it was fully booked out so was busy and the organiser made plenty of digs at Clio drivers. he seems to hate them with a passion lol.

plenty of clios about including turbo'd 197's and some race cars, mclaren , porsche.

unfortunately i had to end the day sooner then i would have hoped as my alternator died at some point in the day and my battery completely died at 15:00 and i had to drive the car home. bump started the clio but it was in limp mode, couldn't accelerate at all, fortunately my friend who came in an mr2 who's cars exhaust decided to break in 2 at 11:30 so couldn't drive on the track anymore let me swap batteries with him to get home.

I was definitely the slowest car out there, I didn't sign up for tuition which i regret but will definitely be signing up for tuition next track day which i'm hoping will be late august and having reviewed my action camera footage i can see how i can definitely have more speed coming out of corners. turning in too soon for most corners. My friend came also as a driver who has driven at oultan a few times, i seemed to have scared him out of the car as a passenger though with me because of my late braking lol but the clio seemed to have some really good stopping power so i thought it could definitely handle the harsh braking. i didn't get any brake fade but i never did more then 6-7 laps per run.

i only had 2 gripe's with the car :
The back end seemed very squirrely, no idea if the right word. it was so shaky at the back which knocked my confidence keeping my speed up for fast gradual corners. it only seemed to be like that at speed though. it was either one of 2 things i think.
1 - the car was unbalanced as i was braking just before accelerating slightly, back end moving on acceleration.
2 - a few days before the track i had a wheel alignment done and was told the offside rear wheel was 3 degrees out. i've no idea if this would affect the rear as bad as it was?

the tyres were very squeely. mainly down to me accelerating when the wheels weren't straight but they also squeeled under a slight turn with slight acceleration. obviously struggling to get traction.

I've just ordered 2 new rear discs so this should eliminate the rear camber issue hopefully but no idea if this will resolve the back end problem? is this known for the 172's?
what tyres do you guys recommend for track/road use, mainly track and not too expensive. i have the 182 8 spoke alloys, 16"


ClioSport Club Member
also i let my mate drive my car at the end of the day , on his second lap going into the last corner he asked what gear to do this in, "second i said", followed by him saying "i'm going to do it in 3rd", obviously going to fast this happened.

pulled in at the end and that's when the car completely died due to battery being dead. so was good timing really.


ClioSport Club Member
it is if your going too fast! haha. his confidence was slightly knocked after that spin and seeing another clio earlier on in the day having a bad crash, rolling onto it's roof, he's a bit worried for next track day lol. spin hasn't phased me at all, looking forward to next track day.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
it is if your going too fast! haha. his confidence was slightly knocked after that spin and seeing another clio earlier on in the day having a bad crash, rolling onto it's roof, he's a bit worried for next track day lol. spin hasn't phased me at all, looking forward to next track day.
He was lucky to not hit that wall! Haha.


ClioSport Club Member
Silver 172?. Saw a pic of that :(
ye, driver was fine walking about in the car park.

From what I can remember of oulton in my Clio, I don't think anything less than 3rd is needed?
for me i was going so slow third would have got me no power coming out of it. maybe 3rd is right :)

He was lucky to not hit that wall! Haha.
very lucky, was propably less then a foot away, would have been a bit devastated if it did hit the wall with all the effort i've put into it!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
In reply to your questions,

What condition are your rear shocks in? This can give you the symptoms you've explained.

And do you have your printout from tracking? 3degrees is a lot, is it running rear spacers? You may have a bent rear stub axle.
Maybe worth replacing just before you take it for tracking as it's simple otherwise your beam is bent slightly. You can sort it with shims if that's the case.


ClioSport Club Member
rear shocks are brand new from euro. was needed to pass mot i had last Thursday. interestingly the nearside shock was very easy to fit the threaded rod that comes through the body had plenty of meat for me to put nut on but the offside was very difficult having no thread to catch, i ended up jacking up the shock with a trolley jack to catch a few threads.

i don't have printout, place i brought it to didn't have a digital printout
no spacers
hopefully not a bent rear axle but could be possible as it will have had a knock for it to be 3 degrees out, i'm hoping its the hub.

how would shims be used?


ClioSport Club Member
i have put powerflex rear shock mounts on also as i found one of the mounts was missing when i took old shocks out and i found out after that you can't buy them unless you buy oem shocks from renault lol


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Have you got the tracking results?

Road tyres are garbage, especially if the weather is hot.

Get some 15’s with Ado8r’s or similar.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
rear shocks are brand new from euro. was needed to pass mot i had last Thursday. interestingly the nearside shock was very easy to fit the threaded rod that comes through the body had plenty of meat for me to put nut on but the offside was very difficult having no thread to catch, i ended up jacking up the shock with a trolley jack to catch a few threads.

i don't have printout, place i brought it to didn't have a digital printout
no spacers
hopefully not a bent rear axle but could be possible as it will have had a knock for it to be 3 degrees out, i'm hoping its the hub.

how would shims be used?
They charged you, but didn't provide a printout? That's shoddy. What system were they using?
When fitting the shocks, were you on even ground/ axle stands on the same point under the car? I'd be checking they've sent you the right ones!
Tyres might not have been helping! What pressures?


ClioSport Club Member
They were a bit old school and didn't have the facility to do a printout they had basic tracking guages. Used them for a while tho and really helpful

Fitting the shocks I did one at a time. Axle stands, removed old shock . Placed new one in top mounts. Bolted up at the tip and then lifted axle up with trolley jack to align bottom hole. Repeat on other side. The shocks were both the same as I had them side by side . Same part number also
  406 V6, Race Buggy
Eesh, I started at 18psi the last time I went, and that was in November with frost all morning :D
Different car mind, but still.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Ahh, i fit shocks in the opposite direction, bottom in first, then aligned at the top, wont make a difference really. I doubt they're the problem, but i'd try to stick with genuine IMHO.

Those are high tyre pressures, get them down to 30 front 32 rear and adjust. That'll make it proper skittish! Mine felt weird with 32/32 in it.


ClioSport Club Member
if thats all the issue is i will be happy :) what do i want to aim for when tyres are hot ?


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
righto, i'll try that. could it be as simple as that which would make the back end as bad was it was?

It won’t help. The tracking will be the biggest factor. I’d allways buy genuine shocks from Renault, they are only about 35 a side.

What springs?


ClioSport Club Member
haven't changed the rear springs at all. front end has new cup shocks and aftermarket springs. i was thinking about getting some cheap aftermarket lowering springs anyway as the car seems to lean alot looking at pics published from open track days

didn't know they were £35 a side genuine i think i paid a little less then that at euro.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Surprised you spun there, normally just keep your foot in and take a bit of mud if you go in too hot. Lift off?

I normally use third gear.


ClioSport Club Member
dont really know what he did to be honest, he might have panicked and lifted off turning to quickly out of it
  406 V6, Race Buggy
It's common there if you turn in too early, all the sap from the tree's gets dragged down to that corner so if you're off line the grip falls off sharply.
  172 Turbo
Surprised you spun there, normally just keep your foot in and take a bit of mud if you go in too hot. Lift off?

I normally use third gear.
That's what I thought, he's thought it's too hot, lifted, paniced, span.

Love Oulton, I should watch more videos of track time as just that spin video makes me want to go back!

Marc87_RB 192

ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182 cup, E92 335i
I was at Oulton on Tuesday in this.


Was a good day all round really, it was my first trackday in the Clio I just wish I had time to put some better tyres on beforehand as PS3’s really weren’t up to the job.

Shame about the silver one that rolled.

Marc87_RB 192

ClioSport Club Member
  RB 182 cup, E92 335i
The only place I reached for 2nd was at the first chicane the rest of the track was third and fourth. ?
Congratulations on your fitst day at Oulton. I still remember mine and just couldn't belive the elevation differences around the track. Felt like a roller coaster few the first few laps, lol.

I too nealy spun at Lodge on my first day. You've just got to keep your foot in to bring it back out again, feels wrong but its the only way to save the car from spinning.

As for the rear end moving around thats a trate of the Clio but 3 degrees camber on one side only would make it horrible. My advice go find somewhere with hunter or supertraker alignment equipment to understand what is really happening with the geometry, post the print out on here and we'll guide you on how to proceed.

Use the link below for yoyr nearest centre.

Regarding tyres best bet if you really want to get the best out of the cars handling is a set of cheap 15" wheels with some decent r rated rubber. Ebay is a wash with used bargains for 195 50 15 track tyres. My preference would be proper tyres like Kumho v70a, Avon ZZR, Yoko A048, Toyo R888 etc. The likes of Fereral RSR, Nankang NS2R and Yoko AD08R's will start to overheat (screech) after 4-5 laps in the hot months. The others i mentioned with just keep going and going and are not much more expensive part worn on ebay.

I miss mine now.Here's mine at Oulton when it was still pretty standard bar r888 tyres, CL5 front pads and ECP AMAX springs. Still had so much to learn from the car and Oulton like using 3rd coming out of the second chicane and Lodge and much more.



ClioSport Club Member
Any recommendations on some 15" alloys ? I've not got the biggest budget to be honest.
I've just bought some rear discs so hoping that will resolve the camber issue. Otherwise it's axle or stub

I'll then get it tracked with print out somewhere and let you know
