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just matz


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
just wondering roughly how long it takes for the mats to be delivered.
  LY V6 with Recaros
Was going to post the same question, feels like I've been waiting ages for mine!
  FF Blackgold 182
Mine arrived, about 3-4 weeks later as said. Well worth the wait though. :D I'm putting mine in today. I got them before Christmas, but I've been waiting for the crap weather to go, as I don't wanna spoil em.:approve:
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ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
so hopefull not much longer cause ive got no mats atall. ordered them 2 weeks ago.
  FF Blackgold 182
Was going to post the same question, feels like I've been waiting ages for mine!

What colour and trim did you go for? Mine are Black with heelpad on drivers side, with anthracite lettering and edging to match the car.
  LY V6 with Recaros
Mine are anthracite with grey/whiteish lettering. I couldn't decide what to go for though, I hope they look ok!
  FF Blackgold 182
Mine are anthracite with grey/whiteish lettering. I couldn't decide what to go for though, I hope they look ok!

I think you will be chuffed when you get them. They are really good quality and they look as if they will last ages. I just got the fronts and the rear. I couldn't justify the boot mat. When you get them, let me know what you think Deb.

  LY V6 with Recaros
Mine are anthracite with grey/whiteish lettering. I couldn't decide what to go for though, I hope they look ok!

I think you will be chuffed when you get them. They are really good quality and they look as if they will last ages. I just got the fronts and the rear. I couldn't justify the boot mat. When you get them, let me know what you think Deb.


Will do, I should get them any time now, think I must have ordered them about 3 weeks ago now, if not a bit longer :)
  FF Blackgold 182
I know what you and Craig are saying. Seems like ages, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't that long really. I think on there website they say at least 28 days. I suppose they do have to custom make them, so we'll let them off.;)


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
i went for grey border and grey cliosport logo with the drivers healpad. cant wait. i knew they wouldnt be a quick delivery beacuse like you say they are custom made:)
  tiTTy & SV650
they're made in Germany hence the wait, mine and everyone in the original group buy waited around a month IIRC.
  LY V6 with Recaros
I ordered and paid for mine on the 7th feb, so almost a month, not long now! :)
  Cooper S JCW
What process do you go through to get them to use the Cliosport logo?

I want to order a set but do you have to email them the logo you want them to use?!?
  tiTTy & SV650
They will do a cliosport logo in a single colour i.e. cliosport logo with 3 lines under it. They won't do renault sport as Renault refused permission saying they were going to start making their own for the 197 etc.

they have the cliosport logo already and its well used.
