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Jvc Avx1

  Octavia vRS
Hi all,

I have just bought JVC AVX1 off hooky108.I have fitted it but i cant get the radio to work on it ??? I dont know which lead to put in? Do i need to buy some for it to work???
  BMW 330D
Hi all,

I have just bought JVC AVX1 off hooky108.I have fitted it but i cant get the radio to work on it ??? I dont know which lead to put in? Do i need to buy some for it to work???
should be a seperate cable covered in like foam padding stuff. will be in the dash somewhere probably just fell down out the way?
  Octavia vRS
Hi all,

I have just bought JVC AVX1 off hooky108.I have fitted it but i cant get the radio to work on it ??? I dont know which lead to put in? Do i need to buy some for it to work???
should be a seperate cable covered in like foam padding stuff. will be in the dash somewhere probably just fell down out the way?

right I have just had a look, the only cable I have got is black clip one, white clip and two smaller blue and yellow clip... should I have another cable or something??
  Civic Type -R FN2
ive just bought one of these also, i cant get it to go in! there are so many wires coming out the back that i just cant push it in, i must have been trying for like an hour. There is no space behind there....
  Octavia vRS
ive just bought one of these also, i cant get it to go in! there are so many wires coming out the back that i just cant push it in, i must have been trying for like an hour. There is no space behind there....

oh I have tried putting it in... did you get the radio working on it?
  Civic Type -R FN2

what cant u find for the radio mate? the arial cable from your car or where to plug it in on the unit?

if your looking for where to plug it in its thte long black plasic thing that it plugs in too, you may need an adapter for it
  Octavia vRS

what cant u find for the radio mate? the arial cable from your car or where to plug it in on the unit?

if your looking for where to plug it in its thte long black plasic thing that it plugs in too, you may need an adapter for it

oh right thats why... so i am not been that daft, didn't know I needed adapter, where can i get one of these from? and how much, it really was doing my head in lol
  Civic Type -R FN2
they cant be much mate i expect halfords will do them, its a standard thing that you need for alot of headunits, think it gives it stronger connection. did you have any trouble with the wires at the back and fitting the headunit in? i cant push mine in the whole way and it sticks out cause there is no room behind :( any ideas?


  Audi S1
You sure you need an adapter? Fitted mine the other week, 2001 Clio, and didn't need one...

What I noticed was that when fitted the face doesn't sit flush with the dash, sad but what can you do.
  Octavia vRS
You sure you need an adapter? Fitted mine the other week, 2001 Clio, and didn't need one...

What I noticed was that when fitted the face doesn't sit flush with the dash, sad but what can you do.

right the ariel goes in the long black thing on the right handside? I have nothing to plug it in too.

Also as well how the hell do u get a DVD to play on the screen, so you can actually watch the film?

as you can tell am not having a good day


  Audi S1
It's like spaghetti junction back there! Anyway heres a pic of the connection, tried to highlight what you're looking for. The aeriel cable is black and fits into the connector in the top left corner, no adapter needed. It sounds like this cable has fallen behind your dash?!?


With the DVD, have you connected the parking wire? This stops you from playing DVD's on the move, not that I do anyway, and it won't play at all if it's not grounded. What I done was connect this to the ground cable on the iso block cause it was too much hassle to connect it to the handbrake.
  Octavia vRS
Cheers for that mate I have found the stupid wire now... it was stuck up the top.

So what did you connect the parking wire too? and how did you do that?
  A well built VW
ive just bought one of these also, i cant get it to go in! there are so many wires coming out the back that i just cant push it in, i must have been trying for like an hour. There is no space behind there....

Push the wires down to the side - near the glovebox there seems to be more room down there I took off my top dash (10 min job) to get the HU in nicely
