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k-tec quik question

  172 M69 eater

do k-tec do any bodywork ie arches, sprayin at all?

and do they offer any fittin work for their products?

havent dealt with them yet so dont know!

ta patty


"At K-Tec we only carry out mechanical work on cars as we do not have a painting facility. Parts ordered from us are best painted at the customers local paintshop to prevent them being damaged in the post. This will also ensure a good colour match as you can take the car to them."
  172 M69 eater

aaaah ta for that mate, for some reason my pc really doesnt want to load up their page!



Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

i went to k tec today or where i thought it was i had been there before and they had gone moved to new premises but couldnt find that, they were prob closed for easter ne way, but dawsons paint is next door to there old place and they do good work but arnt cheap!

they moved location mate a couple of weeks ago, phones were down for a few days. Have you seen their webpage lately? you can now order over the net with them which is handy.
  172 M69 eater

im tryin to find somewhere to put on new suspension, and iv got a feelin its gonna scrub wen its on so i want them to do any neccessary arch work at the same time. was gonna see if they could do us a deal if i bought the kit off them. nevermind!



Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

patty r tec do that they do arch mods and lowering, not k tec r tec they advertise in max power etc a big wheel shop.

K-tec have moved to just round the you leave dawsons turn left at the junction........about 100 yards on left is a v-large industrial unit which is divided into many small ones.........turn in here & drive all the way round untill your almost out again !!! (its a one way system) they are in the unit about 3rd from last !!.............if any of that makes sence to anyone !! lost already !!
