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Key fob problem can anyone help???

Hi im a newbey here
I’ve just bought a R reg Clio Biarritz (last of the Mk 1 face lift shape)
When I bought it the man selling it said that the batterys in the key fob needed changing as its quite hard to get the central locking to lock / un lock and to switch the immobiliser off.
So today I got two new battery’s for the keyfob – but im still having problems with it.
I have to unlock the car with the key and sit inside the car with the key right under the sensor and press it loads of time before I can lock / unlock the car.
Im now suffering from playstation thumb through pressing the button, and am worried that if I have to keep doing this they will have to amputate my thumbs.

Any help would be appreciated – do you think it could be the sensor in the roof and are they coded from car to car or could I get one from a scrap car

Thanks Again

Sounds like the sensor round the ignition fob is faulty take it out (you need to strip the durround o and chekc it for loos/bad connection or buy a new one.
Thanks for the reply edde but I think it’s to do with the key and the remote sencor
in the roof rather than anything around the ignition
