As some of you may know about a month ago now my 172 decided to self-destruct and it was taken back to Wolverhampton Renault, my first impression was that the engine had blown. Anyway 2 days after the car had gone in to the dealer I had a phone call from Renault UK asking me if it was OK for them to take my car from the W-ton dealership back to there HQ, so I said fine thinking that if Renault UK were involved I might get it back a bit quicker (or so I thought). I got another phone call 2 or 3 days later informing me that there was going to be a formal investigation into this case and if the outcome was in favour of Renault I would be billed for all of the costs that Renault UK had incurred, but if I withdraw my warranty clame now I would not receive any bill (cheeky w*****s!!!). Obviously I said to carry on with the case because I had nothing to hide, at which point this person informed me that there was going to be a technician inspecting my car that very next day and this would be my only chance to withdraw my clame. Another few days past and I had another phone call telling me that the technician was not happy with the cause of the failure (e.g. trying to insinuate that I had been caneing it when it had blown) and that he wanted to take the cylinder head off the engine. Again I said fine I had nothing to hide go ahead with it, to which I was once again reminded that if this came out in there favour I would be billed but I said go ahead. Then over the next two and-a-half weeks after many phone calls them they would release no info at all, until today. In this call I was informed that they had ruled in favour of me to which I replied “surprise surprise” and that my car had been taken back to the dealer for work to start on it (in other words a month down the line there has still been fcuk all done to my car). I also asked what had actually happened to my car and the guy said that all he had been told that it was a “gear box fault” and the technical department had not released the report, sounds a bit suss to me??? Might be a good idea to ask the dealer what parts they are actually replacing. Hoping that my car will be back soon and ill keep you lot posted when I get it back.