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L.A. Noire

I never got round to finishing Fallout 3 after restarting it part way through and as for new Vegas it's still sat in it's packing on the shelf.:eek:
  Octy VRS
So are you restricted by the script, or can you jump in any car like in GTA and sniper people from rooftops?

From the clips it looks like you can access buildings and cars a la GTA. Think it maybe frowned upon a cop sniping randoms though lol.
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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
It looks AWESOME!

Rockstar are only the publisher though, so it's not really a Rockstar product.

Yup, but they have overlooked the entire project, TBF.

It's a bit more cartoony graphics than realistic - ie way too colourful. But the animations are ground breaking. Incredible.
I've been told not to buy it, as it's my burfday next month :(

Looking at those videos above, it reminds me of Mafia 2 more than GTA. Which I like.

I might get it, and play the "This is Mafia2" card.


Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
Graphically, it looks very Mafia 2 esque - which isn't a bad thing at all! Looks like they have real cars, too.
  none :(
i was playing it last night, its awesome, its like mafia 2
you can access any cars and you can access buildings with gold handles, you can also change the settings so you can play the game in colour or black and white.
animations are brilliant.
I've used Amazon twice in the past and they've delivered AFTER release date on both occasions. lol.

They've upgraded me to Amazon Prime since I complained... but I'm reluctant to chance it.

Ah. See I'm not so fussed about getting it on release day anyway, that's why I bought GTA IV from Play Asia to get it a fair bit cheaper.

I was surprised I got the despatch email so early though!
  TT 225+
I haven't anticipated a game this much since red dead redemption, will be awesome! Think I shall struggle to find time to play it due to the mountain of work I have to get through! :(
Got mine today from Without fail they always seem to deliver mine a day before.

Anyway, time to boot the xbox up now :) Hopefully it's as good as they say!


  911 GTS Cab
It's b****cks about it being too bright on ps3, I've just had to turn the brightness up as it was too dark!
Just up to Driver's Seat mission now. It pretty good investing the scenes and witnesses etc but if you don't find enough evidence it's hard to get a good case across to suspects. (As I found out in the first mission) Managed to pee of some lady in a shoe shop because I called her a liar.
  R14 CUP
I have pre ordered this and hopefully be collecting it tomorrow after work, can't wait :D

I've not really played a game like this before bar old gta's.


  911 GTS Cab
Just up to Driver's Seat mission now. It pretty good investing the scenes and witnesses etc but if you don't find enough evidence it's hard to get a good case across to suspects. (As I found out in the first mission) Managed to pee of some lady in a shoe shop because I called her a liar.

Lol, I pissed off the shoe shop assistant too.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Few people are complaining because it's slow paced and not like GTA, no gun shops of buildings to go in etc.

Different games altogether. This is certainly more linear within that sandbox.


  911 GTS Cab
Few people are complaining because it's slow paced and not like GTA, no gun shops of buildings to go in etc.

Different games altogether. This is certainly more linear within that sandbox.

It is pretty linear, but there are buildings to enter, and lots of gunshop action, although to get leads rather than buy stuff. It's very cleverly done but won't be for the sandbox people
Yeah I agree, sandbox players will be a lil disappointed with the free roam part but the missions make up for that IMO.

The only down side for me is I can't help but feel the cop I'm playing as, is a right old miserable fcker. I've yet to see him smile or even banter with his partner. Still, I've only played a bit so it could all change further on.


  911 GTS Cab
It'd be cool if you could put your face on the cop with the webcam like you could in rainbow six, that was epic, not sure why no other games do this.
  Meg R26 + Mk4 GTTDI
Ah okay. Cheers. I'm waiting until my Uni exams are over to get it or else epic fails will be on the results sheet in June :(
You can just imagine sad geeks watching all these comparison vids (not just for this game) with thier hands on something resembling a penis, on the off chance the console they prefer comes out the better

As my dear old friend Alan Partridge once said "saaaaaaaaad"

Yes, I spot the irony. I'm on an internet forum talking about a computer game at nearly 1 in the morning. Lawlz.
Just bought it and am about to have a bash.

Yet again, I am amazed by the stupidity of some (read: most) people. Apparently, this game is called Lenor, you know like the fabric conditioner. FML.
  Evo 8 MR
It's a good game but it is difficult to get the interviewing process right. Also there is more than one way to solve a case and the process from start to finish varies depending on where you go/how quickly you get there and obviously the evidence you find and when.
First impressions are it's gorgeous, but feels pretty slow and linear.

Don't go into it thinking it's anything like GTA or Mafia 2 or you'll be disappointed.
