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Laptop help


ClioSport Club Member
  ITB'd Clio
I dont know whats happen but when im on most sites ie CS, some of the words in a post is highlighted and underlined. And when i hover my mouse over it a box appear,s ie the word could be money and when i hover over it the box that opens could be for a loan:eek:

Some kind of spam............



ClioSport Club Member
  ITB'd Clio
Is Google Chrome ok? , and just done a scan with Norton and found nothing...............
  Clio RS 200 Gordini
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]You could try google chrome or firefox in case it is just a browser issue but Sounds like u have maybe picked up a bit of spyware/malware. If it was working fine before And you have system restore enabled I would give that a bash and restore back to when it was working.

I have done this on a lot of mates computers that had spyware and does the trick most times.

Failing that I would install malware bytes and run a scan to see what it picks up.[/FONT]
  Clio 182 Cup
Sounds like its a toolbar that has been installed and is highlighting words that correspond to other search items. Disable any add ons and load the sites again if it clears it then you know the fault. Then add remove program's and uninstall the search toolbar program's.
  Clio 197
Try this:

1. Click on the spanner button in the top right corner of your browser.
2. Go to settings.
3. Go to extensions.

See if there is an extension/add-on enabled that could be the problem, and disable it.
