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Yet another problem for my little clio......the other day i got into my car after a few days being sidelined (see immobiliser issues) and the steering wheel was wet. i looked at the windscreen, that too was soaking on the inside. Today I get in, look under my mats and its sopping wet....this continues all the way under the seat. Ive tried mopping it up but its still wet
Anyone got any ideas on how to dry it out? please bear in mind its parked on a busy swansea street so i cant really get a hairdryer to it :-S
The other problem is what caused i say, its only on the drivers side. I did have a bottle of water in there a few weeks ago, is it possible that it leaked and caused it? It just seems odd that it hasnt evaporated or anything
Failing that what seals etc are the most likely to go and are they expensive to replace?

Sorry for the long post lol


SOunds like your sunroods leaking which is common best idea is often to seal them up completly.
Otherwise check the scuttle panle for missing/dislodged seals but that unlikly if the wheel is wet.


Cool sealing up the sunroof cheap/easy?
tnh i dont really use it so wud be ok

