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Losing power, slowing down.

  clio campus sport
My clio campus has started slowing down, losing power when going uphill, even on a slight incline. It is not over revving and no warning lights or noises heard, thought it might be clutch but not sure. Any advice please.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
I would check the spark plugs and see if any are drenched in oil, if it was clutch you would have trouble getting into gears.
  clio campus sport
I would check the spark plugs and see if any are drenched in oil, if it was clutch you would have trouble getting into gears.
Thanks have changed plugs which has helped but now hear a hissing sound when pressing accelerator and about 3000 rpm or going up slope


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
That’s strange, sounds like the exhaust nearer to the front of the car might have a hole or come loose around the manifold letting out gas, does the dash show a warning light?


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
If it was a hole in the catalytic converter a sensor would light up in the dash I believe so it might be forward of the cat box if it was at the rear the car would make a more booming sound. Loss of power and hiss could be a vacuum leak somewhere else in the engine I suppose, one way to visually look would be to run the car on a cold morning or damp evening when it will be easier to see steam or gas vapour leaks.
  clio campus sport
If it was a hole in the catalytic converter a sensor would light up in the dash I believe so it might be forward of the cat box if it was at the rear the car would make a more booming sound. Loss of power and hiss could be a vacuum leak somewhere else in the engine I suppose, one way to visually look would be to run the car on a cold morning or damp evening when it will be easier to see steam or gas vapour leaks.
Just had a mechanic check it out, came up as catalytic converter error and he found the air leaking from the joint so said there is a blockage in the exhaust. Gonna take it to a exhaust place to get sorted. Thanks for all the advice.


ClioSport Club Member
  172 Cup
Good luck with that mate, catalytic converters are very expensive I hope you get a good deal if you have to have a replacement, funny how you didn’t get some kind of engine management light, I would have though it would have thrown up some error from exhaust gas not being in spec. Lets us know how you get on.
  Renault Clio RS200
I'm having the same symptoms, loss of power when accelerating, got 3 codes, catalytic converter efficiency below threshold and 2 02 sensor codes i thought it was the catalytic converter or even a leak around it, could anyone confirm or comment on my accuracy



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I'm having the same symptoms, loss of power when accelerating, got 3 codes, catalytic converter efficiency below threshold and 2 02 sensor codes i thought it was the catalytic converter or even a leak around it, could anyone confirm or comment on my accuracy


Likely the lambda sensor in front of the cat it controls fuel trim.

The sensor after the cat is there to see if the cats working and doesn’t effect fueling.
