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Lost clutch pedal


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
I decided to change the dogbone mount at the weekend for a powerflex item. Also topped up the gearbox oil as there is a very minor leak from the selector shaft seal.
Not sure how these could be related, but I have now lost the clutch pedal!

I have checked the pivot arm ontop of the clutch pedal assembly, and all seems in tact.
Checked the cable and this definitely looks slack
Any ideas on how to diagnose if this has snapped / lost tension or where I should be looking first?

Thanks for the comments :)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Just go to the top of the gearbox and check if it's still connected. If the pedal is floppy engine on or off its the cable.

I've a cable I can sell you if it has gone.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Thanks for this
I had a bit more of a look last night and quickly noticed that the cable has came out of the clutch fork!
I slipped the wire through the locator on the fork and now thankfully have a clutch pedal again

I'm not sure how the end of the cable should locate in the fork though as there's a loose bit of rubber on the cable (try to get a pic on this)

Is it worth replacing the cable if its not snapped?



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Managed to get some pictures of the cable. I don't know how the cable is meant to seat in the fork? Can see there is some rotted rubber but wasnt sure if this is doing anything?

Not sure how much tension should be on the cable here, but I can pull the cable beyond the fork by hand..?

Any pictures/help appreciated :)


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
It can happen, I wouldn't be too concerned. Looks like the original cable, so it's likely they'll stretch over time.

Might be worth carrying a spare if you get caught out. My original was much better than the ones that I replaced it with as I went through 1 oem and 1 aftermarket (aftermarket lasted longer).

As I say, I have one I can sell you cheap if needed. It's a Pagid item I believe.
  2014 Clio 200t edc
I remember driving my 182 in traffic and there being loud bang, followed by a swinging clutch pedal.
Pushed the car out of the way and got upside down in the car to find the clutch cable had come off the pedal end!
