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Low mileage 43, yes 43miles Ford Ka Mk1

Sir Nancy Flowers

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'she also has a rare option of having a passenger airbag'

Which should go on to say: 'Which will categorically not assist you should you have an impact with anything larger than a 300g twig'

I remember the first time I drove one of these and my overwhelming thought was - 'How the f**king hell did Ford make this and it pass any safety regs....'


ClioSport Moderator
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  Whichever has fuel
I absolutely love these things and when I saw it on eBay this morning I was really tempted to buy it…🤦‍♂️😂
Strip the underneath, properly rust proof it, 1.7 conversion and that’s all the daily driver a man needs surely??
anyone who doesn’t like them hasn’t driven one. And certainly hasn’t driven one in anger. They are hands down the best small car to drive, bar none.


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  Clio 182, E46 M3
'she also has a rare option of having a passenger airbag'

Which should go on to say: 'Which will categorically not assist you should you have an impact with anything larger than a 300g twig'

I remember the first time I drove one of these and my overwhelming thought was - 'How the f**king hell did Ford make this and it pass any safety regs....'

A girl I used to live with got T boned by a vectra in one. Wasn’t a fast crash at all and the vectra had barely any damage. She ended up totally fucked with a broken arm, pretty nasty head injuries and a fractured pelvis amongst various other bits and bobs. Made a right mess of her and she’s still got a limp as a result.

In any other car she’d have jumped out, called the bloke in the vectra a dick head and gone about her day. Instead she was literally the crumple zone


ClioSport Moderator
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  Whichever has fuel
A girl I used to live with got T boned by a vectra in one. Wasn’t a fast crash at all and the vectra had barely any damage. She ended up totally fucked with a broken arm, pretty nasty head injuries and a fractured pelvis amongst various other bits and bobs. Made a right mess of her and she’s still got a limp as a result.

In any other car she’d have jumped out, called the bloke in the vectra a dick head and gone about her day. Instead she was literally the crumple zone
My parents next door neighbour was in one when it got rear ended and she was proper touch and go life or death. Car was rotten and just fell apart when it got hit.


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  Clio 182, E46 M3
My parents next door neighbour was in one when it got rear ended and she was proper touch and go life or death. Car was rotten and just fell apart when it got hit.

Aye hers was too! Turns out the rusty filler cap was the least of it’s rusty issues


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  172 Cup
Blimey that’s insane, I wonder how many people bought a car new and lost the desire to drive and subsequently have a rare car sitting in their garage
