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Low Temp Thormo, worth it

My cars runnin quite hot lately and was wonderin if a low temp thormstat would help keep the engine cooler, i dont want a low temp fan switch coz the fan sounds sh*t!!!

I was advised against a low temp thermostat by my mate (whos a mechanic) as he said hed had a few clios in running rich, all of which were running low temp thermostats.

Apparantly, the ecu thinks the engine is not getting up to temp therefore richening the mixture.

IMO, a low temp fan switch would be better, but there also could be numerous reasons why your engine is suddenly running hotter! Try and cure the problem, not get rid of the sympton.

I think if you had the resource you should put the low remp fan switch in the summer and the OE one in the winter, its not that hard to change, but it will mean that draining the rad twice a year, which to be fair is not hard just a pain in the A*SE, you could probably change the switch without taking the rad out, just use some long extension sockets and some sealer when you put the new one in. Might do this but i think its good to make the engine run hot!
