Well after much umming and arring I finally went for it today and I have to say it was a piece of cake.
My torsion bars came out relatively easy, just needed a bit of persuasion and some WD40. Interestingly my car seemed different to other 1.4s I have read about. People often quote things like "jack the trailing arm so until the torsion bar rotates 1 notch"
Well on my car there was no way of knowing what 1 notch was so I just measured and re-measured. I went for what I thought equated to a 35mm drop but when I put everything back together and dropped the car down to the ground WOW The rear wheels are now tucked well inside the arches which is lower than I wanted but it looks so cool that I am leaving it like that. (It is easy to put back as I had a go already ) I know my standard rear shocks will break very quickly but that just gives me an excuse to buy uprated ones.
Hardest bit was deciding whether to have tea or coffee afterwards.
Seriously though I would like to thank Weight and P Carr without whom I would never have got the balls to do it. Weight photo guide was especially useful.
Total saving? - Well Halfords wanted £150 and Prima wanted £220 so I am understandably chuffed. I would certainly recommend considering having a go yourself before shelling out for someone else to do it.