Well after much umming and arring I finally went for it today and I have to say it was a piece of cake.
My torsion bars came out relatively easy, just needed a bit of persuasion and some WD40. Interestingly my car seemed different to other 1.4s I have read about. People often quote things like "jack the trailing arm so until the torsion bar rotates 1 notch"
Well on my car there was no way of knowing what 1 notch was so I just measured and re-measured. I went for what I thought equated to a 35mm drop but when I put everything back together and dropped the car down to the ground WOW
Hardest bit was deciding whether to have tea or coffee afterwards.
Seriously though I would like to thank Weight and P Carr without whom I would never have got the balls to do it. Weight photo guide was especially useful.
Total saving? - Well Halfords wanted £150 and Prima wanted £220 so I am understandably chuffed. I would certainly recommend considering having a go yourself before shelling out for someone else to do it.