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Lycos webhosting

Does anyone on here have a website hosted by them as I have one but having trouble using it. Website - . Everytime I use their webbuilder I get an error saying "Lycos Meditation - Can't create main directory- Create site" Ive sent a e-mail to them but no reply. Can anyone help, give me advice what to do etc??
i have my website hosted with them, although i have not used the site builder, so sorry, cant help with that.

I guess its a step by step thing that helps you create a basic website?

if so, you should try dreamweaver if you havnt already, very easy to use :0)
Yea Ill prob give that a try, if you do it that way how do you upload it the the site for it to display??
go to the ftp pannel on the webhosting control panel, create an account.

then you can either use the webftp feature to upload your files to, or you can download an ftp client (i would reccomend this) i use flashfxp, but smart ftp is another good one.

then once you have logged onto the ftp, go into the "www" folder and upload your stuff there :)
