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macbook hard drive clicking

last night my mac went a bit mental and it ended up locking so i had to hold down the off button to shut it down.
Now when i turn it on all i get is the grey screen although i do get the chime on start up. Then the hard drive just clicks about every 2 secs, i only replaced this one 8 months ago after th original went. it was more of an issue last time as i had my dissertation but any ideas on how to save my music before i have to buy a new one?
put the HDD in a second machine as a second drive and hope for the best. If its clicking though, I'm going with fucked
sorry mate but i dont understand what you mean as a second drive? my brother has exactly the same macbook so can i stick it in his, retrieve the file (pollisbly) and back them up then transfer to the new hard drive?
Cheers for your time
sorry didnt read the firs post properly and didnt realise it was a macbook. TBH for the sake of a few illegally downloaded songs, its not worth the effort of trying to get them off what is probably going to turn out to be a completely written off drive.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
sorry didnt read the firs post properly and didnt realise it was a macbook. TBH for the sake of a few illegally downloaded songs, its not worth the effort of trying to get them off what is probably going to turn out to be a completely written off drive.

I'd get a USB drive back up the contents of your HD then go get the one in the machine replaced. It's likely to be on it's way out. I left the one in my iMac and it finally lunched itself and I lost loads of pics/music as a result.


ClioSport Club Member
  440i + 182
I'd get a USB drive back up the contents of your HD then go get the one in the machine replaced. It's likely to be on it's way out. I left the one in my iMac and it finally lunched itself and I lost loads of pics/music as a result.

He cant boot it !
Doh, reading fail. Has he tried booting it from the disk? I managed to get mine to boot once just before it totally died on me by holding down the combination of keys that boots from CD and having the OSX disc in the machine. Might be worth a try.
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