I should know this but I cant remember how exactly it works, so before I break out the multimeter and crack open the casing, maybe someone out there, a sparky or engineer can help me out!
I need to run a mains powered heater in the back of my car. Its got a very low current draw (its a reptile tank heater) and takes a normal 240v AC power supply. In fact its got a moulded 3 pin plug on it.
Now I dont want to whack out loads of money for an inverter when the heater only cost me £7! But Ive got a 240v AC/12v DC transformer that plugs into the mains. Is there any reason why I cant make the transformer work in reverse?
The obvious thing would be to just cut the plugs off each end, wire the mains input end to the heater, and the 12v output end to a fag lighter plug.
Will it work or am I dreaming?