4k for a rebuild on a rx8? You can buy a rx8 crate motor for 3k LOL!
rebuild is a piece of piss, don't go to Hayward rotary for anything their 3 year warrantee is dog s**t.
they are meant to drink oil it's part of the combustion process there for isn't an issue or a problem.
40k is bulls**t also, a crap build can last 5 miles lol! I have seen fc's with over 100k on them, seriously are the easiest thing ever to rebuild, once clean it takes 1-2 hours to rebuild.... Then a couple hours to stick it back in.
i built and ran rx7's my personal one was running 500bhp and have seen people running more power... They aren't really every day cars, when tuned atleast, they are spastic noisey compared to any other car... However the chassis is amazing and handles better than most other cars when settup correctly!
Watch out for knocks over bumps (pillow balls going £180 a side iirc) don't buy a uk version they rust sooooo bad.
check chassis legs in engine bay, seen soooo many bent ones.
Dont listen to people who say they need a rebuild after 40 or 60k they have no idea what they are talking about and have heard it down the pub or off their mate who's cousins uncles brothers best mates sisters boyfriend who had one.
they are very sensitive, they need to be tuned correctly, I would recommend Jaydee or blitz boy to do the tuning, never use Hayward rotary for tuning or engine builds lol. Avoid atomic Rex also.
apart from that there isn't much to worry about.
home done rebuild will cost around 1k for parts for a seal and tip rebuild. Watch the videos online and anyone could rebuild them....