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Megane3 Brembo port to Clio3

hello everyone.

Right now I'm thinking about reusing the genuine Brembo calipers.

It all starts with the idea of increasing the brake capacity of TwingoRS.
Luckily I own a Clio200.
I purchased a conversion kit from pure motorsport in order to use the Clio's calipers.
I wanted to increase the brake capacity of the Clio anyway, so I got Megane3's Brembo calipers.
The installation itself was easy, but there was a problem with the compatibility of the disc and pad.
(The inside of the pad is not completely touching the disc.)

Conversion discs were very expensive.
(The Japanese yen is weak against the pound and euro, so it will be a very expensive expense.)
Does anyone know of a reasonable conversion disc?

I found the following products.

I wanted to quickly increase the brake capacity of the Twingo, so I ended up buying a Brembo Clio3 as well.
Therefore, there is no rush.



ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250 Cup
Do you have any pictures of the problem?

Remember that the Megane brake pad is meant to be used on a 340mm disc normally, so there will be slight differences when using the Godspeed 330mm discs
Do you have any pictures of the problem?

Remember that the Megane brake pad is meant to be used on a 340mm disc normally, so there will be slight differences when using the Godspeed 330mm discs


Thank you for your reply.

As you can see, the brake pads are sticking out.
This caliper remains the original Clio3, so it remains 312mm.
If it's up to 330mm, it seems like a 17-inch wheel can handle it, so I'd like to go with 330mm if possible.



ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250 Cup
Ok I understand. Really you need to use the 330mm disc. I appreciate that they are costly, but they do fit ok inside of the standard Clio wheels.
It is possible to get the Megane 340mm disc drilled to 5x108, but you would need different wheels.
Ok I understand. Really you need to use the 330mm disc. I appreciate that they are costly, but they do fit ok inside of the standard Clio wheels.
It is possible to get the Megane 340mm disc drilled to 5x108, but you would need different wheels.


thank you.
A 330mm conversion disc costs approximately £1000 including shipping.
PCD processing of Megane3 discs costs around £35 per disc. However, larger wheels are required.

I can't come to a conclusion right away, so I'll put it on hold and think about it.


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Have you checked for standard discs of this size on other cars that are typical in japan? Brembo book and pagid library are usually good for this.

Thank you for your comment.
I understand that the Megane3 caliper and 330mm disc are excessive for the Clio3.
However, I thought I'd give it a try because I can always put it back to the way it was if I wanted to, and most importantly, it's cool.

If the front brakes are stronger, the rear might slip more often on the circuit.


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250 Cup

As a result, I will consider purchasing this product as it is the most reasonable.

Thank you for consulting with me.
No problem!
The Reyland parts are certainly better value and use a higher quality AP disc compared to the Godspeed offerings, which tend to suffer from cracks with prolonged use.

I plan on fitting their 355mm kit to my Megane at some point in time.


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250 Cup
Have you checked for standard discs of this size on other cars that are typical in japan? Brembo book and pagid library are usually good for this.
I've spent alot of time looking at this, but could never find anything which suits.

Phase 2 Clio V6 are pretty close and I think you could make work with a spacer behind the disc. The problem is, they're 2mm thicker than the 197 disc and I'm not sure if the calliper is wide enough to accept that without reducing the pad thickness.
  clio cup race car
Do you have any pictures of the problem?

Remember that the Megane brake pad is meant to be used on a 340mm disc normally, so there will be slight differences when using the Godspeed 330mm discs

Just to correct you , we make a special curved vane race disc for this applications , yes it's 330mm x 28mm , but with a pad width area of 62mm , so works perfectly with the Meg 3 calipers and pads
Cheers Ian
  clio cup race car
No problem!
The Reyland parts are certainly better value and use a higher quality AP disc compared to the Godspeed offerings, which tend to suffer from cracks with prolonged use.

I plan on fitting their 355mm kit to my Megane at some point in time.

Maybe you can check , as far as i'm aware the kits Reyland offer are not AP discs , they are there own , machined from other road car discs , so when you take into account the Godspeed are proper heat treated curved vane race discs , and are actually £100 cheaper , it certainly makes the Godspeed kit better value.
The Godspeed discs suffer from heat crazing with hard prolonged track use , same as every other make , AP and Alcon included
See some photos of the discs here

Cheers Ian


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250 Cup
Maybe you can check , as far as i'm aware the kits Reyland offer are not AP discs , they are there own , machined from other road car discs , so when you take into account the Godspeed are proper heat treated curved vane race discs , and are actually £100 cheaper , it certainly makes the Godspeed kit better value.
You are correct. It's AP fixings that they provide (I've either read it wrong or they've changed their description on the website).

I can't really think of any way of wording this without sounding like a right t**t. But having seen/had the Godspeed 'race discs' discs crack/fail, they’re hardly cost effective. The cause being not bedding them in slowly over many hundreds of miles on the road apparently - kind of a difficult task to do on a track car which doesn't see the road.
This is further compounded when you fit new pads and discs at the same time, as the pad instructions specify running them in with some pretty serious braking.
  clio cup race car
When fitting new discs and pads , you must ALWAYS go with the disc bedding in not the pad , yes race pads are bedded in very aggressively , with no downsides , discs must be bedded in and heat cured or they will fail prematurely , we recommend 250-300 miles of A&B road driving , and then some high speed stops , this will generally bed discs in ready for anything , on my rally cars , I do at least 100 miles , and they will last me 10 or so events , when I do bed them in , I left foot brake to get the temps up , off them to cool , and it certainly speeds up the process. I would never go and do a rally without some bedding in.
I don't know when you had the discs , but we have only been supplying the heat treated race discs since Aug 2021 , which are a much better spec disc than the ones previous to this
Cheers Ian
