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Megs APC


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
Is this really strong enough, i've run out of virosol.

Seen a boy on DW usin it on wheels and then his seats...I'd be worried that the dilution is too strong.

I've got the old mans R32 to do. Arches don't bother me, but the seats are a mess...Don't think i want to use it on them.
Wheels, arches, engine bay no probs..interior i'd be worried about the mix..

Stick to what you know mate.


  db detailing™
I used it on the girlfriends SportKa seats diluted 10:1 and they came up a treat!
Then proceded to try it on the engine bay and wheels at 4:1 and was mustard too!
Great stuff
  106 GTi
10:1 fine on interiors, wheels and arches.

4:1 ideal on really grimey stuff.

I have 2 bottles mixed up one weak, one strong, find myself using 10:1 to on the works
