S**t, that's really disappointing to hear. I was hoping for a tough final encounter to be honest
I've done all the side missions, maxed the runes, maxed the weapons and have more M than I can spend. All abilities are maxed, too. I just need to finish off the story mode now and I think I'm done. A gem of a game and a bargain buy at twenty-something quid through Steam.
Yeah, the Fire Arrow is handy... but not when they are invulnerable to ranged attack! Zero effect!

As was the case with the Warchief I spent two hours on the other night. Invulnerable to stealth, combat finishers, ranged, cannot vault him, cannot stun him, combat master, etc. etc.... LOL! The exploding barrel was my only means of taking him out. I must have taken out a good few hundred orcs over those two hours.